Barbed Wire Baseball Bat (Image Heavy)

Thanks, Writer’s Block!

I will try and fix the spec etc. to get the handle looking good…I tried for a while but it just wasn’t going in the right direction, so I will tweak it some more :slight_smile:
It’s a little noisy at the moment but it just wasn’t happening today :stuck_out_tongue:

(You can view the images @full res by right clicking the images and “view image” in a new tab, which is middle mouse button in most browsers)

Go go, Freeman, go!

More updates! :smiley:

I decided to go the whole hog and optimise this to a more reasonable level. I chopped it down by 750 tris to a grand total of 2909 (previously it was 3659).

I didn’t get any time to do any texturing tonight because I had to manually realign the new UVs with the old ones and rebake the normal map to match the new geometry, as Blender does not have any sort of useful option to preserve UVs when removing loops…not ideal.

I also reduced the silhouette of the grip by quite a bit as it was a little cough too much :wink:

(You can view the images @full res by right clicking the images and “view image” in a new tab, which is middle mouse button in most browsers)

WIP Diffuse, Normal, Specular, Gloss, baked + nDo2 AO and Alpha on new geo.

WIP Normal, AO and Wires

WIP, Normal and AO

That’s all for tonight…I will try and get some of the texture work done over the weekend :slight_smile:
