
Khloe and Kibble at the neighborhood Ramen Shop on an early, warm spring evening.

Here is the grey shaded version from Blender:

and here are some animated camera shots:


Really nice picture. Love style and mood.

That is some really good toon shading.

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Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:

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Funny thing… i saw this somewhere the other day… and now i thought … i knew this… but of course i don;t remember in wagt context … ( i guess somewhere on YT… as suggestion…)

Two days later (:wink:): …it was while browsing ArtStation… ( coincidently… re-dicovered it :rofl:… man this really bugged me… :crazy_face: )

Really love this work!, Really captures the anime mood well.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Excellent Work! I love the style.

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

I really like the style.
How do you achieved that ?
Blending toon-style shader + post processes textures or you used also some compositor node system ?

Thank you so much Bart :slight_smile:
Hope you’re doing well!

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Thank you so much!
I use different approaches for different elements.
One approach is mixing basic textures (unique or procedural, sometimes one or the other, sometimes both) with a basic toon shader. Another is just using painterly textures with a regular material.

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Really great work. what method did you use for the toon shades ?