Best render so far - Architecture Interior

1-Sorry, but why someone would like to save the CDL node configuration as a preset? Every new image demands a new configuration, that’s the power of arstistic choice, right?
2-How can you save it as a preset?

BTW, this is the raw render of the table:

I’m trying, yes.

Frequently imagers will use and reuse similar neutral contrast curves in their work. This allows an imager to quickly sample how new work will look under a variety of their chosen looks.

When an imager uses a reliable and constant view transform range, they will likely find that their work falls into loosely similar ranges of output. In this instance, and in the instance where a similar set of images needs to be crafted, having a baseline entry point can help.

You can save CDL values into a CC file. There is a branch at GitHub that outlines the transform chain and how to integrate them. Create the values, put them into a CC file, then add the newly created file as a look using the same transform chain should work. The demo wasn’t intended for public consumption as it relies on environment variables in that particular instance, but the general gist of the idea should be understandable for an individual comfortable with experimenting on text files.