I’m currently looking for a way to animate a paper unrolling like a carpet…
To be more specific, I’m making a motion graphics sequence where the front of a logo ‘unroll’ covering the letters like a protective film.
I’m currently achieving this using the simple deform/bend modifier linked to a empty and a bit of keyframing [1]… however, this is not getting the result I want.
First of all, the bend modifier only allow for the “rolled” text to overlap with it self, I would like for it to rollup in a spiral, with a bit of layering so it wouldn’t cause render artifacts…
secondly, using this method, the whole thing only allows for a linear unrolling in one direction [2].
Ideally it would unroll following the curvature of the letter “D” [3]
A long time ago (basically another life ) I was a 3D Studio Max user, and I used to rely a lot on plugins and scripts to get things done, and one of the great things about max used to be the Modifier Stack that allowed for great versatility.
One plugin I used a lot was a thing called Curly, made by Joker Martini:
This has the “layered” effect I wish to achieve (when he changes the “Strength” parameter).
Is it possible to achieve this with geometry nodes?