Bézier Mesh Shaper v0.9.0

Okay, I bumped it to v0.9.51. Thanks again.


maybe i have stupid question - if i am using snap straight is there option where i can disable automatic spacing of the vertices ?


That’s not a stupid question I also Had sometimes this need…

On the same line is there an option to set fall off to 0 by default ?

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Here is example what i meant.

I know i can select first and last point and just hit key J to connect the points with new set of edges and delete the old edge set. It will be nice if this is possible with your tool.


Hi @StroBlend, if I understood you right, setting the falloff mode to Off (instead of Distance or Connected) will do what you want: it ignores the falloff size and affects only the vertices that you selected before running the tool – like selecting a path of connected vertices, or selecting separate individual vertices that follow the path that you want to deform. These are the verts that the Off mode affects.


To change the falloff mode to Off you need bring up the popup menu while the tool is running. Default shortcut key is W, but you can change this in the add-on preferences.

If you meant something else then please let me know.

Hi @dank0, interesting case! I tried with snap-straight, and then snap-straight-proportional, but neither gave that result you wanted.

There’s another way to do that with the built-in Blender tools. You go to Top Ortho view, then scale the vertices to zero on the horizontal axis, then use a horizontal-constrained Shear (it’s a type of transform, like the Grab / Rotate / Scale etc):


It needs to be done in an orthographic view because it uses the camera plane.

As for doing it in B.M.S, maybe this could go as a snap mode? The vertices are moved only on one axis, so this would be like a constrained snap.

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Yeah I never use the Shear tool. thanks for showing me that. I was using Straighten Plus script from the Ewoc. Which can do the straight lines without spacing the points, but the version for 2.8 is broken and very unreliable. It also have straighten without destroying the curvature of the surface. It is using camera view plane.

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What will be also nice. If I can first draw my bezier curve and design the shape and after attach selected points to that curve. I tried to do screenshot.


Mira tools is free and the CStretch with only 2 points gives you a “align along the edge” ability, I use it all the time. If you have Hard Ops, the ST3 mesh tools has a vertext align function.
With Mira Tools…then Hops and scale to active element afterwards.


Just bought the addon, absolutely love it. Thank you very much!

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I’m getting an error message on my file whenever I try to use the addon (newest version of addon) (blender version 2.90). This doesn’t happen in a new file, so I probably screwed something up with the current file. Do you have any idea what this is? I could pm the file.

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@Jelleeeey it might be a mode or scene state we haven’t come across yet – from the image you posted, the add-on isn’t being able to automatically select the curve, so it fails to enter its Edit mode.

Please send me your blend file and I’ll take a look.

@Jelleeeey thanks a lot for sending me your scene (through PM). I submitted an update to fix that case.

Yeah, I just went to use BMS for the first time in months (0.9.5 in 2.9.0), and sadly it is not working. At all. : - ( I wish I had time to troubleshoot and send scene etc, but this was just a quick thing I needed to tweak and bang out a render client is waiting on. It would rock to be able to count on it for the occasional bending of crap etc.

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Hi @norka, I hear you!
That’s an older version, I recommend re-downloading the latest version (0.9.52) from either of the stores you got it from:

I guarantee that it works with 2.90 and 2.90.1. Good luck!

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Edit: Okay, its working now. Maybe I just needed to restart Blender after updating to 0.9.52… All good! Thanks RN!

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@norka been there! Glad to know it’s working.

Hi RNavega,
I use a lot your addon to smooth lines of vertices but looks like it doesn’t work like expected since few times (can’t remember exactely). I don’t know really what happens or even if it’s me but the vertices seems to not follow the curve like in the past… (2.93.1 LTS with 0.9.52)
In the video below the vertices should follow the curve but they don’t:

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Hi StroBlend, thanks a lot for the video.

I think that “BMS Smooth” button that you set up in your pie menu is calling the tool in normal mode, without the snapping mode.

To confirm, I downloaded the latest Blender release (2.93.1) and installed BMS v0.9.57 (the latest on Gumroad or BlenderMarket), and tried to do the same:


How did you set up that pie menu button, do you have a line of code for it?

The operator has a property called startupAction, it’s an enum whose (string) value is NORMAL by default (normal tool operation, like what you’re getting), but you’re looking for either SNAP_SMOOTH_P for the snap-smooth-proportional action, or SNAP_SMOOTH for the standard smooth snapping (that evenly redistributes points along the curve length, not proportionally).

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Thanks a lot I was worried about this… The operator property was set to normal like you said, I changed it to smooth and now it works like before!

Quick question is it possible to snap smooth vertices along the curve but without redistributes points evenly ?

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