
Well, here they go a few in-game screenshots of the AI-Combat. The rest of AI is made at 45%, but this part is, in my opinion, the hard part. Other thing, at the begining i had thought that the game would be played in first person, but, after think about it, i’ve decided that it will be in first person. It’s likely the game will have first person camera, but it will only serve for looking around!!

Very cool, what type of aI? vision cones or ?

check this out


TheRet.blend (515 KB)

hey i love those bullet particles!
could you please upload a video or .gif of it, i would love to see it in motion!
also the models are looking nice! keep it up!

I use a vision cube and ray sensors, track sensors and a lot of python code!!

Yes, when there are more things to show, I make a teaser video with the AI and other things!!

I have found that objects can pass info with a “collider” that is invisible,
this way, I spawn a “flag” around my hit box,it can talk to the neighbor, without a address :slight_smile:

so little “chunks” can form behaviors

You can use a collision sensor or near sensor using sensor.hitObject … for share information without adress, between objects. You can pass info also with parents objects … etc. All it is in the blender api’s page.

message target = own.parent
modify message armature etc

I know :slight_smile:
do you need anything for your game?

At the moment not!!