I thought demastered was more like, “Dark Souls” but “top-down pixel art” haha Not forgetting about the art, just making it more retro.
It’s not about crappy art, it’s about a different style of art. It still takes great skill to make a pixel art solid snake.
Demastered can be fun because it can involve taking an exitsting story and characters an reworking it with different game mechanics. A side scrolling sprite based tomb raider for example.
“atmosphere” is pretty ambiguous. It should be more specific.
The “mood” meaning is not really a topic. This is a subjective (but important) criteria. This would make it very hard to judge if the topic is met. Finally any game has it in one way or the other.
The “gas” meaning is a topic. It provides certain but limited options to create different games around it.
Like the other members I suggest to specify what meaning is meant.
Perhaps ‘immersion’ would be a better word, basically has the person put effort into the environment, light, sound and made you feel like you are somewhere else.
Maybe a secondary vote for a specific type of atmosphere?
Or allow a couple of different types of atmosphere and let each participant choose which one to use for their game.
I’ve got a few ideas for atmospheric games I’d like to make.
I think I would king of like to experiment creating a game which uses atmosphere to make it interesting instead of action.
I belive that what pepole often refers to when they talk about atmosphere is a relaxed feeling, like in Journey or Limbo. These games have most of the time very simple controls and relying most more of the feeling. I think one of my previous entrie “Someone like me” would go under those conditions, especially the parts where you catch the wind and flies.
I don’t think atmosphere should be interpreted as “mood”. I think it should be interpreted as “sky” because mood is kind of generic and uninteresting.
Gdc talk: Creating Atmosphere in Games
Demastered… I want to see how 8-bit 200KB eating up extra 20MB looks like.
I like smoking_mirror’s idea on doing a secondary vote for different atmospheres, that’d be cool.
That would help solve our issue of ambiguous themes.
Ok I will close voting today at the end of today (14 hours) and open up a new thread voting on the type of atmosphere, I agree it is a bit too vague.
Suggested atmosphere’s:
-Physical atmosphere (of a planet)
Any other suggestions?
I think a physical atmosphere is a better theme
We currently have a draw between themes!
This means that the atmosphere vote will not take place yet. If you are reading this and haven’t placed a vote make sure you do so soon!
oh juicy, the comp is heating up… :ba:
I voted prematurely and would have voted atmosphere, but my lone vote will stay on rescue (I think I voted that)
Ok looks like atmosphere is winning by one vote.
If the voting hasn’t changed by tonight I will continue with the atmosphere poll, otherwise not.
Arguably my job would be a lot easier if tell-a-story won so we don’t need a second poll, but I guess it’s up you guys to decide.
That looks like a really great subject!
Sadly the video is an hour long and I expect most of that is the presenter going “…ummm…”, “…er…”.
I really wish they would get a professional speaker to do these events and then have the developers available for Q&A.
Delivering a compelling presentation is an art form in itself.
Actually his mumbled monologue was strangely compelling. I listened to all of that talk and another on 8bit art and palette animation.
Looks like tell a story is winning. I could definitely see it as a more entertaining theme than atmpsphere