Biff - Updated for 2.59

moley >> Glad you found what it was. :slight_smile:

Risingspirit >> I suggest looking at and to find what you need.

nice rig :slight_smile:
good luck!

Very nice rigg Denny :slight_smile:
Got one question, do you have any tip on where I can find some documentation or tutorial on how to make custom properties, like the “FK/IK Switches” stuff you have in the rigg. I have managed to get the panel up but how do I add the sliders on how do I make them to work with the rigg?
If you don’t have any documentation on it would it be possible for you to make a short tutorial on it?

I am a BIG noob when it comes to this so excuse me for asking so much at the same time :stuck_out_tongue:

btw, are you from Sweden? If so: Hejsan, jag kommer frÄn Sverige :slight_smile: (Hello, I also comes from Sweden)

Jepp, föredetta norrlÀnning, bor i södern nu. :wink:

If you check this post you’ll have basic instructions on how to make the sliders.

haha, got it to work :stuck_out_tongue:
I had seen that post but for some reson I did not read what it sad and just tried to all kind of stuff to get it to work, only to fail misserbly :stuck_out_tongue:
Now one legg of my character is working with the slider, onwards to the other three (the modell is Spyro, a dragon)
Time to try to get the others now :stuck_out_tongue:
Maybe I will post the modell later when I feel it’s done enuge ;D (Not on this forum, will post a link to the site where I got the modell from, for free :slight_smile: )

Edit: Btw, do anyone know where I can learn more on how to make buttons that show/hide bonelayers and other things?

        viscol01 = col.row()
        viscol01.prop(, "layers", index=0, toggle=True, text="Base")
        viscol01.prop(, "layers", index=1, toggle=True, text="IK")
        viscol01.prop(, "layers", index=2, toggle=True, text="FK")
        viscol01.prop(, "layers", index=3, toggle=True, text="Face")
        col.label(text="Scene Visibility")
        viscol02 = col.row()
        viscol02.prop(context.scene.render, "use_simplify", toggle=True, text="Simplify Scene")

If you want to make buttons to toggle bone layers just do something similar like above. viscol01 is the row object you assign the button to. .prop() is what you’re adding to the column. In this case, “layers”, index=3, toggle=True, text=“Face” is the button. The index defines which layer you’re making a toggle for.

Big thx, worked like clockwork :slight_smile:
The eample you provided worked for bonelayers.
I don’t know what else could be done that is practicall.
Thx again, have looked for a while now to find out how to do this but havent had any luck.

Did a quick walk cycle and animation with Biff. This character is loads of fun to work with, I’m gonna have to do a real animation with this guy when I get some time after Christmas. Thanks for all the work that went into this great character.

It’s really nice to see some animation made with him! :smiley:

Sweet work Denny!
I’ll be using this guy in my final term at AM for sure.
Thanks so much for sharing him!

Great to hear an AM student using Biff, can’t wait to see what you make with him. :smiley:

you can run both. I was not that attached to 2.49 so I would have had to re learn it anyway. But I have both installed, still somethings are easier to do in 2.49 (or at least I know how to do)

The unzipped file is “Biff__v1_00b”. Is this a PC file. I can’t seem to open it on my mac.

I don’t know how it works between Mac/Win/Linux. I’m on Win7, I made a packed blender file and zipped it. I don’t know what else I can do. The file should be Biff__v1_00b.blend when unpacked.

Never heard of a packed blender file. I think it may be compressing as a windows file. Could you just upload the uncompressed .blend file? Thanks.

I don’t know the right term but a packed file has all the assets included in it. Scripts, textures etc. Can you open Flick, ndee’s character? That’s a packed file too as far as I can see.


Nice textures and model.
Bad rigging
gonna take ages to animate.
Try looking at the way ndees flick is rigged
surely you could do better .:rolleyes:

Could you give me constructive criticism? Saying it’s bad and pointing at something you think was better done is like telling a painter to look at a better painting and say “do that”. What exactly should I change? What works and what doesn’t? Saying everything doesn’t work would be lies considering my rig and ndee’s have several things in common and only difference is how the joints are visualised.

I do appreciate criticism when it comes with a “why”. :slight_smile:

I was looking for a bad guy for an animation i was making, and ur guy was just the thing!

do u have a newer version of biff on the newer blender, cos it doesn’t work on mine

oops dont worry