Bikers World

actually i took the easy way around, instead of taking the time to make the background of the texture transparent(with an alpha channel) i just made it with a black background and used " add ". same basic principal though

the plane follows the camera so it (the glare/star thingy) is visible from all angles. but you have to set it up so that when it rotates it isn’t cut off by the lamp and ruins the effect

i guess i’ll make a tute and you’ll be able to see what i mean

I’ve had that same idea for a while but havent tryed it yet.I guess you proved that it would work.Good job

i made the tute, it’s my first one, if you want ot see it go to my website and click the tutorails button to the left

cool, Nice tutorial

just wondering, do you know who scabootssca is he signed up for the bikers world forums

I would SO be willing to start on a Blender group project! :smiley: I’m new to elysiun, but not to Blender Game Engine, as I’ve been using it for a while. The game I’ve made are pretty pointless, and I only know what I’ve mostly taught myself but I would love to try out my abilities! :wink:

Just to give everyone the bad news… Our website hoster will be quiting so the site may be down for a bit this will happen on Jan 7th. I will be getting a dot com domain for another on of my sites which is a company that makes choppers so thats where bikers world came in :wink: so then I will be getting a sub domain from that!

I made a model of a broken stoplight. It’s pretty bad and low quality, but I can make some better models. Hey, by the way, NICE SITE! Can I be staff? This looks like one KILLER GAME! And the site is so clean and official :wink: I can do graphics, and, seeing as you need more graphic designers… :slight_smile:

yep ill add you to the staff page

man I should change the name of this topic like now its kinda of a recrutment type one lol or idea so what should the name be? how bought…

I’v got it: Bikers World

Hey, why thank you! Any particular models you need?

man I should change the name of this topic like now its kinda of a recrutment type one lol or idea so what should the name be? how bought…

I’v got it: Bikers World

Where are you going to start it? [/quote]

I changed now he he

Oh, lol, I thought you were making a new topic :expressionless: . I’m going to go make a model, or, something. I just checked the site again, and I’m not on the graphics staff. Why is that?

there its updated

Here’s a chopper that I rendered. It still needs to be textured, by I think it looks ok.

Photobucket gave it bad quality, but it looks a whole lot better in blener.

wait, i am confused, what is this game about
i thought it was motorcycles, then i saw facemania’s bycicle park, and i started to wonder if maby it was a bycicling game, then i see blender_rox’s bike (wich is without a dout a motorcycle), and i am left bewildered

now, i hope that it’s for motorcycles, thats the assumption i’ve had in my head while i’m making stuff

I know i must sound mental right now, but could you help me out?

thanks C4

See below:

Sorry for me confusing you. :smiley:

I get pleasure when someone is confused.

Blender rox-The bike, I think needs a little bit more detail but is still good.

I think the detail will come when he textures it, don’t you think?