Black Mesh - Procedural Modeling Tool

Thank you! I worked hard to create this tool. Docs will be soon as an announcement of V020.

There is one way to do smoothing of only some parts but it will need to calculate smoothing twice and will take more resources and time. I don’t know even if I will add it.

I would suggest using other method:

  • Inset with MiraTools → Simple Extrude tool
  • Bevel
  • Set Hard Edges
  • Nice result.
    You can Also change bevel with MiraTools → Unbevel tool.

Yes, I will add smoothing in the next release(V030) I hope.


This addon is AMAZING, especially for sculpting and slicing & keying for 3d print prep. Question: how do you get an intersect boolean to keep both pieces of a mesh as in the last screenshot?

Thank you, I duplicate an object and set a boolean to Intersect. Nothing special.
If you select 2 BlackMesh objects then they all will be updated.

Sorry what screensot?

I meant this:

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yep with this addon + retopology (or automatic one too) and subdiv and shrikwrap mod would be the perfect workflow for subdiv modeling now…

This is not subdiv modeling. Forget about polygons. )

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i mean for production as vfx, film, or game ready stuff…

you use this as base mesh for modelling and doing your concept first, and then do retopology, uvs, materials after really finished…


Makes perfect sense. Thanks so much!


Hi artists,

V020 has arrived and it has some nice improvements. Also, I would like to thank everyone who purchased the addon without documentation. You are brave people.

And here is my first video:

Thank you!


What are you plans(no promises) for the future of this addon? Maybe automatically naming the newly Create voxel with a “_Voxel” could help with scene management?

I think the Mean smoothing method yields the best results so far, the smoothing is tighter then the other 2.


Yes, mean mode is nice.

Awesome result! I would smooth twice. I love smooth edges.

And increase Dilate value. Up to 4.
In other case you could get some artifacts.

My plans depend on the interest to the addon. If people will use it then i do updates.

Nearest plans:

  • linux support
  • mixer
  • primitives for booleans like polygon, curve, arc, box, sphere, cylinder etc.

hey i got this when clicking in the button for adding the selected object as source, same happened after adding manually the source, and then adding the boolean object and appeared the same thing when clicking the update button…

Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.93\scripts\addons\BlackMesh\”, line 363, in execute
update_vdb(context, obj)
File “C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.93\scripts\addons\BlackMesh\”, line 438, in update_vdb
mesh_halfWidth =
AttributeError: ‘BLM_SourceObjectLayer’ object has no attribute ‘halfWidth’

location: :-1

Could you give me a blend file with steps to reproduce please? Thanks.

hmmm i couldn’t reproduce it after reopening blender maybe i forgot to do that before lol, but still i saw this interesting bad behavior in default vdb settings, is that normal? i added the subdiv mod on purpose to see if its different and without it appears the quad proper topology…

It’s hard to understand what’s going on without a blend file.
I would not recomment to subdivide the blackmesh object.
Just subdivide only boolean objects.

Let me know if you will have issues.

Default box should be fine.

yep thats what am telling you x"D…

hey also i have a suggestion for the boolean adding, is too much clicking to select the boolean object everytime, specially if you have a lot of booleans to add, i would suggest a shortcut like CTRL + “-/+” (in blender by default that’s exactly how you add a subtract or intersect boolean quickly between several boolean objects to the active object), also a color picker icon would be nice as well as addiction, and please set the default option of the boolean to object rather than collection, because not everyone uses collections, but that is kinda personal on how i use boolean tbh…

I don’t want to add shortcuts. An artist should choose their own shortcuts.

Boolean to object will slow down VDB processing as there will be more loops. I would suggest using Collections in 95%.

There was a request about the rightclick menu. I think this is reasonable.

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hey also i noticing a small lag when selecting the objects in the panel, in my case i have source, one boolean, and filter…

hey also i am noticing that you can’t add decimals on the width for example, i would like a nice but small bevel here of 0.5 or less in this test:

or is there other way to have many bevels smaller and keep them like that after remeshing? hey also what about like something similar to vertex groups driven smooth filter, because sometimes you would want less or more smoothing in different areas of a model…

edit: hmmm i think mean one does something as i want with 1 and 2 iterations:

Unfortunatelly, blender has an issue with UI. It lags. I cannot do anything here. I’ll need to make a bug report.

Just set iteration = 1 and bevel will be less. Width is integer value in OpenVDB.