Black Mesh - Procedural Modeling Tool

Probably would need a timer/callback running then updates after mesh changes/etc. But that could get complicated/maybe too buggy.

Thank you, I worked hard to create this addon.

@lostidolsco unfortunatelly the blender devs did not add objects/collections picker for python strings. There is even rightclick select feature request which is very old.

Do you want to select a collection through a viewport? An object which is in a collection? If yes then I can suppose it’s possible.

@Kickflipkid687 Yeah it would be buggy. (( I would like to create a realtime tool too.

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Hi artists, today is the Mac lovers day. Black Mesh V040 - MacOS, Intel X64, 10.14+ Support.

Mac installation can be found in the Documentation.



Is it possible for the user to assign a hotkey to the “Update” button? That may be an option in the meantime then instead of having to move the mouse back and forth so much to click the button.

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Sure you can.

Try like this:

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There will be a new addon as an addition for the Black Mesh. Stay tuned.


Hey all, I have released a new epic tool. Decal On The Shell Addon


According to this video of @masterxeon1001 I did a test of Black Mesh. About 10 miutes.



your method would be most interesting. Ive been meaning to bring up blackmesh but I wanna make sure I understand the workflow. To show the tool in a flattering light. A response to that study would be awesome. Id add it to the playlist.
Awesome stuff Mifth!


All you do is awesome too. It’s pleasure to see your works and experiments.

Does Black Mesh is using some external library for voxel processing? If so what are the advantages compared to build in blender voxels? Is this realtime ? This remind me bit of mode boolean thing (forgot the name)

  • BM uses the same voxel system
  • No realtime


  • Layers
  • Voxel Booleans
  • Smooth Filter
  • Stable workflow and minimum tweaks to get a nice result.

There have been several similar addons lately ( design magic, simply concept …).
Can you compare these different solutions?

From what I see in the videos, black mesh results look cleaner thanks to the adaptative tesselation.

I’m an addon developer. I’m not a youtuber. You can compare them all yourself. :wink:

All I can say is that all my tools have nice quality.

Sure enough, the request is a bit silly.
I’m just looking to buy the addon that best meets my expectations. The information is still quite scarce and the price a bit steep if it’s just for a simple test.

Regardless, I’ll probably take it :wink:

I’m sure you will not regret as all my addons are good quality.


Out of curiosity, what do you think would be the next updates for this add-on? Did you have any long-term plans for it?

At the moment the addon is in a good state. No new voxel features a planned at the moment but in future I’ll try to adapt the tool for sculpting.

Right now I’m working on new sculpting tools, so there will be no new updates for the Black Mesh during some months.


@mifth , I finally took advantage of the blender market sales to buy your addon but only the source mode works. All other modes gives errors.
Is it the right place for support ?
I’m on win 10, 2.93.3 with factory settings and no other addon installed. I installed vcredist 64 as said in the doc.

Here is the info log when I try to boolean subtract 2 cubes :

Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\david\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.93\scripts\addons\BlackMesh\", line 364, in execute
    update_vdb(self, context, obj)
  File "C:\Users\david\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.93\scripts\addons\BlackMesh\", line 648, in update_vdb
    vdb_ptr = parseBM(len(py_layers), py_layers_ptrs, py_vdb_data)
OSError: exception: access violation reading 0x0000000000000008

location: <unknown location>:-1

Yes. Could you please send a blend file so that I could reproduce it.
Please, write exact steps to reproduce.