Black Mesh - Procedural Modeling Tool

It’s nice to see that the tool is useful.

Yes, as @gorion103 mentioned you need more highpoly objects. Or retopologise them for subDs. Then you can boolean and filter them.

@gorion103 @mifth thanks for the quick reply. As I am only a beginner in Blender I was hoping for some quick solution to this, and for Blackmesh to be the solution. For now it seems there isn’t a automated solution that can convert my Solidworks cad data into a quad mesh.

What I tried (and it worked halfway) was to remove the inner wall and make it a “solid” mesh. Then I used the dilate & erode filter settings. This worked sort of, but I found it hard to keep the sharp edges of some details I wanted to preserve. Is there a way with Blackmesh to use marked edges as a sharp in some way? Or to only smoothen the ‘large voxels’ but not the detailed ones?
From the Cad data I already have the sharp edges marked.

@gorion103 I imported the mesh to a denser mesh, and for now this seems to -look- okay, although my face count is going crazy right now. 5000K :frowning: With the decimate modifier I then get a mesh thats quite okay and has ‘only’ 15k faces. I can use this mesh now to sculpt in the weld lines.

When I have problems like this, I just autoremesh object, and subdivide. It’s not always as simple as here, but it’s quite fast. I use quad remesher, but it can be something free too.

And as for my progress:


Awesome art!

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I have a question, I was reviewing one of the downloadable examples and I noticed that several of these “boxes” appear on the objects, can they be fixed somehow? Since I noticed that in render they can also be noticed.
Otherwise it looks a very interesting addon and I would like to buy it but I need to know about this detail.

Sure, these artifacts can be removed by decreasing adaptivity. From 0.0005 to 0.0003 for example. And also setting auto-hardedges to 30 degrees.

Basically, there will be no artifacts but there will be more polygons.

As another variant it’s possible to set up adaptivity=0 and use the decimate modifier.

Don’t worry, 99% these artifacts can be romoved.


I’m testing the addon and thanks to the video explanation I think I understand almost all the workflow, but I have a problem. When I do the same as the tutorial the uv sphere part looks square, as if it had been applied without using shade smooth (before adding it to the stack I used shade smooth on it, and I also tried both applying and not applying auto smooth with 30 and 60 degrees) but it still looks like this

I know it must be just a detail but I can’t find it, help please.

As an aclaration, i’m using version 0.4 in Blender 2.93

Boolean meshes needs to be dense mesh if they are curved, for that you can add a subdivision modifier to the mesh at least level 3-4

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You are absolutely right, thanks for the correction, I made a mistake because in the video I thought he only applied shade smooth on the uv sphere, when in fact he applied 3 levels of subdivision. Another detail is that every time after pressing Update you have to apply shade smooth on the object in question (by not doing this the object was not smooth and I thought that the solution was to increase the adaptivity too much to increase the amount of faces).

Congratulations and thanks @mifth for this addon, very recommendable and entertaining for those of us who like to model with booleans.

@NeophyteArtist thank you and happy modeling. Also, take a look at Delay/Erode values at the smooth filter. They are important to have no artifacts. And here is my test. I attached it. (3.6 MB)


My workflow is 99.9999% models in BlaskMesh come fully prepared for the voxelization process.
You only need to make voxels and a filter.
I ask you to make a button to quickly set these parameters.

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Apologies for the delay. I’m very happy that BM is so useful. )
To add a filter is just 2 clicks. I would like to have clear UI. Sorry, for that.

Two clicks are not enough.
You need two clicks + change Boolean to Filter.
I have to perform this operation more than 100 times every day. That’s why I’m asking for some way to do it with one button. For example, in the addon settings set what will be enabled on the second click - Boolean or Filter.

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I decided to buy this, and my first 30min impressions are great! Nice work, worth buying.

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@mifth I’m using this addon, it’s very helpful but I have feedback/question
When using Booleans, all settings from these operators are overwriting the settings from the “source” mesh above. It would be nicer if boolean operators would be independent of other settings. For example, I would like to achieve more crispy/sharp edges on boolean operators visible on screen below, but the rest should be smoother.

Hopefuly this image below explains that correctly


What if you add 2 filters?

Filter1 - 3 iterations
Filter2 - 1 iteration

Will it help?

Long time no see. I was hoping that I’ll deliver some final render, but as working with blackmesh was easy peasy, next step - hand retopoing bodywork (at least), to make proper UV and textures is for now too boring to do in my free time, so I just show final “raw” meshes - at least for now.
One more time - addon is solid, no crashes, and as I mentioned earlier - it’s maybe bit barebones, but well thought. Procedure is clear and adjustements are very easy to do (if you have some order in your source meshes)

as a comment - all this parts a re made from very simple shapes made in subd, merged or substracted using blackmesh. everything here is a mesh (no normals od heightmaps)


I was wondering if it would be possible for Black Mesh to assign Face Sets for boolean cuts. I noticed that Bool Tool already does that. If I understand correctly Black Mesh doesn’t use the same boolean system, but still, it would be good to be able to work with some of the cuts that I get from Black Mesh, in sculpt mode, using some of the Face Set tools like Extract Face Set etc.

One simple use case would be adding a different material on hard surface seams…

Unfortunately, it’s not possible atm. BM uses voxel booleans.