Blender 2.40 - it´s official and out NOW!

thank you guys for this wonderful release!

a long way since the announcement at the blender conference but finally we have a feature-rich release to play during xmas holydays!

I seem to say the same thing with every release…“WOW! This is awesome!”…But…WOW, this is Awesome! I am working on sketches to scan and reading docs and tutorials from all of you wonderful people. Blender is almost “too much” machine to handle(Thank goodness for the Elysiun Community). The Developers ROCK HARD!
I am speechless, and actually afraid to install it because I am way below par on being “comfortable” with the features from 2.35 to 2.39(2.40 Nov Pre). My favorite feature is the Alt+M and mirror modifier(About all I can wrap my head around right now…I’m in this weird “gotta-do-better-at-human-topology-thing”). I wanna cry(tears of Joy) because the stuff I see on Elysiun has been absolutly awesome for the past year and now even MORE awesome-ness is gonna blow right by me.
Ok, I just had to delete 2 paragraphs of my babbling, I am so excited[schwing!]. 2-3 days, there will be more than enough threads fleshing out the cool new features from you Blender masters
This really did make my X-Mas. Happy Holidays to all of you, Elysiun really is a heavenly realm.

YES! Thanks for this christmas present!
Happy christmas to all you blender developers and elysiun communists!
(not forgetting the blenderchatters either :P)

Turn on the Lock Update option in the image window header (the button has a little lock icon). It’s nothing new, but maybe the default value changed (or you have a different value in your user pref).


Ahh, that’s it, thanks Martin! :smiley: they must have changed the default setting…

I’ve been playing around with the new bullet physics, and it ROCKS! Seriously, you don’t know how much fun it is just knocking some crates over with a ball :smiley: :smiley:

From Daniel

dukytyme, you need a cold shower, or less caffiene, or something. :stuck_out_tongue:

Though it does indeed exude a prolific abundance of awesomeness from every orifice. Now to find a use for all these wonderous new features !

Woo Hoo! Cheers. Merry X-Mas and thanks for the mirrors, was afraid I’d have to wait a few days for to work again. I wonder how many downloads there’ll be in the first day… Should donate to BF cuz they are gonna have a hell of a bandwidth bill depending on their service provider.

[EDIT] ARGH, NO! Even the mirrors aren’t working :< [/EDIT]

Good to me that I have a nice friend to send it too me :stuck_out_tongue: The site is almost broken!


Hats off! Amazing job peeps!

Thank you!

Let’s see. Slashdot, CGNetwork, a load of overdue anticipation, word of mouth and a ton of new features. Ahhh, so that’s why the site is dead in the water. :slight_smile: Congratulations to all. Looking forward to 2.41 (and a new server).

Noo!!! they finally release 2.40 and I’ll away from my Pc the whole weekend!!! :o :o

Thanks for this wonderfull release :smiley:

Well the server doesn’t seem to do THAT bad. A page loads in a few seconds for me. Looking forward to see some numbers after things have cooled down :smiley:

What an awesome Christmas present!
A big thank you to all the developers who worked so hard on this release!

Has anyone build a 2.4 Blender for Mac OSX 10.2.8? I’d like to play on my iBook.
Thanks to any savior out there.

I was pleasantly suprised when I went to and the site was down but I tried back thirty minutes later and they had just released it! :slight_smile:

Since their bandwidth and network keeps going down I’ve hosted the WinBlows build:

It’s the complete installer. If someone has the mac and linux versions please email me them at prince7 at gmail dot com and i’ll host those too!

Good work guys/gals! :slight_smile:

Thank you to:

Adam Katz
Alexander Ewering
Alfredo de Greef
Andrea Weikert
Austin Benesh
Brecht Van Lommel
Bill Currie
Campbell Barton
Chris Burt
Chris Want
Daniel Dunbar
DJ Capelis
Eckhard Jaeger
Erwin Coumans
Frederic van der Essen
Jean-Luc Peurriere
Jens Ole Wundt
Janne Karhu
Jiri Hnidek
Johnny Matthews
Joilnen Leite
Jorge Bernal
Jospeph Gilbert
Ken Hughes
Kent Mein
Matt Ebb
Marc Freixas
Martin Poirier
Matthew Plough
Mika Saari
Nathan Letwory
Nils Thuerey
Pontus Lidman
Roland Hess
Simon Clitherow
Shaul Kedem
Stephen Swaney
Stephane Soppero
Tom Musgrove
Ton Roosendaal
Toni Alatalo
Vidar Madsen
Willian P. Germano
Yehoshua Sapir

Everyone gets a fish today: :o


indeed Thank you to the great developers of this software and everyone who supports them in anyway. This release just made my christmas. Now which toy should I play with first :smiley:

Thanks to all of the developers for their dedication and hard work. There are some awesome new features and exploring them will be quite fun! :smiley:

Hope your holidays are safe and memorable.



Yeouch! That’s quite a long list of new features/things to learn. Great work, blender coders!

Many, many thanks to the all the people that are developing Blender - and to the Blender community.

It feels good to see all the works that are made with this great application - for example the beautiful splash screen. Congratulations to you, RobertT.

To all the designers, coders, testers, and nerds that participated at every level of this release: thank you.