Blender 2.8 development thread

@pitiwazou What’s the problem with having five blenders open? if not the same as having five Maya or open modes, which is to select the correct instance. I don’t see how it can affect the way you manage blender windows in that scenario.

@Romanji If you read my message, you’ll see that I’m not saying it shouldn’t be done. But since you always get angry and start ranting when you read half a sentence.

You are mixing everything there.


I don’t think working with three instances of blender is normal

Eh, today, stupidity is normal. & You got a loooooong way ahead of you, kiddo. :smiley: I even render with three instances at once. But yes, irrelevant stuff…

… so Color Picker being able to get color info outside of Blender is out of the question?

He don’t use it so it’s NO!


It’s just that what you’re talking about is difficult with all the programs, it might be a little more difficult in that example, but I don’t think it’s going to change much.

There is nothing difficult to work with 5 blender open.
I don’t see your point.


PPL, for personal chit-chats, get a room. :shushing_face:


The other user was complaining just how difficult it was to use blender in multiple instances. If there is nothing difficult about using blender with five instances, then what is the problem? I use three blender instances without any problem.

You said > I don’t think working with three instances of blender is normal

You are wrong and there is no issue until you use floating windows since it’s badly supported in Blender.
That’s why people cannot use this workflow.

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If you have 2 screens and 5 blend files open with all having node editor on second screen or what not you soon realize its very hard to find out which belongs where.


I suppose that it will depend of the OS, in windows the second windows is the thumbnail under the main window.

The floating panels will be moved to the right end, instead of being only visible and on top on their respective Blender instance.

In case someone was wondering.

Well I think it would be easier for everyone if when you click on any window of a scene, you have all the other windows related to this scene that show up. IMO it shouldn’t only rely on your OS settings.

(And when you close the “main window”, it should indeed close all the other windows, I don’t really see the point on having just a node editor open, just on its own haha)


Not that using three instances is not normal, but that constantly switching between them to use the UV editor of each of them is normal. Because I try to imagine normally working with only one instance, the others can be references or give it some specific use, rendering for example. But you’re not modeling a character, you do the UVs on his arm, then you go to another blender instance and you start doing the UVs on some part of the body, but then you jump to the third instance and work on it.

What is the point of using multimonitor setup if you don’t use the second monitor so often? The typical setup is that you have fullscreen 3D window on your main screen and all the buttons, other views, graph editors etc on all the other screens so that you can edit the stuff and having full screen 3D view in front of you at the same time.

Well if you want to see Blender in companies, you will have to be able to work easilily with multiple instances, and on top of that, doing pretty much the same thing with all your instance of Blender. How many time will you spend finding your node editor corresponding to your 3D view, this is time consuming for nothing basically.

I have worked in companies with 6000 workers,In any case it would be the opposite, because in large companies the work is very clear and specific. And you’re not a worker for everything like when you’re freelance or little companies.

And honestly, all this super problem you’re talking about is just two more mouse clicks every 20 minutes? How long does that take? Or as I say, the job is to switch between instances of the program?

Well let’s assume that I find that 2 clicks every 20 minutes is already annoying haha !

If you spend even 10 or 20 seconds trying to find a windows, if you just want to do a small fix on one particular file, honestly, it’s a lot.

Do you really need to use 3 instances of Blender all with windows across multiple monitors at the same time?.. I think there might be some issues with the workflow no matter how software works in this case…