Blender 2.8 development thread

On demand toolbar access using the spacebar.

You can still press it again for the search menu, but it should be a nice thing to have for usability and workflow.

In addition, the concepts of double-click loop-select and clicking in empty space to deselect have been approved by William for the Industry Standard keymap.

This topic was automatically opened after 4 hours.

I know quoting this will be a bit tacky, but I do like the idea of threads having circuit breakers in the case of debates getting too out of hand.


Iā€™m guessing an add on would have to keep track of the amount changed, and apply the correct transformations when it needs to. For example, if you change the scene from unit scale 1 to .01, dividing by .01 would fix everything, but if you raise it to .011 it will make everything too small. Yes, applying the scale would also probably have to be optional.

Itā€™s not that simple, modifiers also works with unit scale etc.
You cannot change the size of a model to follow a scene with different unit.
Thatā€™s why I think that the current behavior is weird.

@Ace_Dragon Itā€™s also a way to make someone you donā€™t like shut up, I can see people using it this way.
For example, the thread was closed about this unit conversation, but why?
Itā€™s important if itā€™s something that must be fixed for 2.8.
If for everyone the current behavior is ok, no problem, but for now, nobody convinced me this is ok.

And Iā€™m not for a change, Iā€™m asking if itā€™s normal and if there is a way to deal with it.

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This put a smile on my face:

Afterall, all this debate about standard mouse/keyboard behaviours, was an issue already addressed and covered under the Standard keymap umbrella. Good, everybody will have what he/she wants, or something close to that

The behaviour is not weird, you are only mixing concepts. Itā€™s really easy, in maya you can decide what unit maya will tell you, milimeters, centimeters or meters. In blender you canā€™t do it, blender decide the unit if the object have one size or other, if you have a big object it will put 23 meters and if is little 23 cm. The presets menu donā€™t make the same. At least the menu that you showed.

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This is something Blender has to manage at global properties level, like Maya, Cinema 4D has the option to choose in which unit you are going to work.

It seems that Blender just guesses the unit to use according to the Length option and the Unit Scale.

1.0000 = m
0.0100 = cm
0.0010 = mm

Ok, so how do you deal with a character with armature in cm on a scene in meter?
Or assets in mm in a scene in meter with constraints etc

Itā€™s ok to tell me Iā€™m wrong, show me how do you work with it.
If there is a way to deal with it, we can stop this conversation directly and Iā€™ll be happy to know how to deal with it ^^


Speaking of this, what would be nice is if Blender has a global scene scale modifier that automatically adjusted all of the values you would need to change otherwise (not so much for working in the viewport, but for F12 rendering).

The reason for that is due to Cycles being at its best when the scene scale is done properly, but realistic scales can sometimes be tricky to work with if you have small details.

Try to understand, you donā€™t have a scene in cm or a scene in meters. The presets confuses you, maybe the correct will be remove the presets.

You have only this

  • No unit system (1 blender unit)
  • Metric system (1 blender unit = 1 meter)

you can put a ā€œmultiplierā€ over all values, and the presets have told that a 0.01 multiplier is cm. but itā€™s not true, because for blender the units are the same.

If you want to work in a correct pipeline you always must to put the metric system, ignore the presets, and make little your model.


How does Cycles handles the Blender Unit system for the lighting ? Does the light interpret a Blender Unit as a meter to decrease in energy ? And for depth of field ?

Ok so you donā€™t know how to deal with it since you repeat me the same thing again and again.
I understand or not, but you donā€™t show me how you deal with it.

On a pipeline itā€™s ok when people work at the same unit, but sometimes itā€™s not the case, so, ho do you deal with it.
Iā€™m not trying to trick you, I just want an answer on how to deal with different units for assets since I mix everything!

You canā€™t work with different units in any program. if you made a table of 1km in maya and try to merge in a scene with goods units you will need to scale in the scene or scale when import/export.

The only way is ā€œappendā€, then blender will respect original units. But it is not a good way, because itā€™s something that only will understand blender and will cause problems.


If you do this, your table will still be 1km long.

You donā€™t know how Maya work it seems and you donā€™t know how to deal with this unit behaviour.
If you work on a scene in cm and buy an asset made in meter, you donā€™t know how to deal with it.

We can stop there ^^


Yeah, and a table with 1km is wrong, donā€™t? so, you will need to scale the table to have a good scale (1-2m)

Blender works the same.

if you made a table of 1km in maya and try to merge in a scene with goods units you will need to scale in the scene or scale when import/export.

Are you serious?
The 1km is your example O_o !

Seriously? You are arguing for the sake of arguing!


That was a wise move.
What is missing now is the RMB context-sensitive menus.

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I agree with Pitiwazou here, the change in units is just weird. Letā€™s say I have an asset file with a cellphone model (14cm on its larger side for example), to make the modeling easier I set the unit size to cm, thatā€™s 0.1 in the unit scale option. Now, I want to append the phone model into a room scene thatā€™s set to meters (1.0 in unit scale), when I do that the phone size is suddenly huge, 14mts on its larger side.
Letā€™s also say that I had a camera setup on the phone file, dof and distance to the model are setup to work with cms, but if I also append the cam then it is way too far and the dof settings are also messed up.

Howā€™s that a correct way to handle units? Changing the unit size should only change how the measure of the objects is presented, but it should NOT change the objects size at all. Going back to the example I mentioned, appending the phone on the new scene should only change how the units of the phone appear on the properties, but it should still be 14cm on its bigger side.


I think that what he wanted to says is that in maya, if one unit is one kilometer, and if your table is 1 unit long, if you import it in a scene where the setting is one unit = 1 meter, then your table will still be 1 kilometer long, not 1 meter, and that is not the case in blender.

Pitiwazou : I think you missundertsood what he wanted to say :confused:

Like I told, the problem is the false presets. But in blender2.8 will be metric system by default.

When you select cm presets you are telling to the program ā€œplease, lie my and tell that 1 meter is 1cmā€ but internally for blender the object have one blender unit. So when you try to link the object to other scene with other scale the object still having 1 unit, so it is 1 meter. And you canā€™t solve this problem in any program, you need to use same scale and units in all your files.

In maya it doesnā€™t care because maya donā€™t touch the scale. Only change the way to show you the value.