Blender 2.8 development thread

I agree that accessing a big list of shader balls would be useful to have (as opposed to the tiny dots that pass as material icons in Blender today).

As for just making a material with no object attachment, I can see that being able to fit into the properties panel (ie. having a form of the material context available when no object is selected). Even then, I will agree that being able to shuttle materials and node groups to a standalone library (that can be accessed) later would be of more use than just using the append function all the time.

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One of things I like about Cinema 4D is it’s material manager. Being able to manage all the materials for a scene, create materials not attach to an object, delete, replace, filter, see what objects use a material, and more.

So wrote a plugin for this functionality call “SceneXtra”.

I also added the same functionality for managing scene images. The only functionality I could not figure how to do was dragging materials to the viewport. Here is the link for [SceneXtra].([Addon] SceneXtra - View, search, edit & analyze scene resources.)


Who else thinks the 3 default lights of the 3dview in blender are overkill?
It’s too bright, can’t see things very clearly with this. I usually use only one (or two, tops).
Perhaps they should change the defaults of it. :thinking:


Agreed. 3 Point lighting is kind of an old outdated lighting system from the days before GI (relatively speaking in the 3D industry). Now that we have HDRI environment lighting it doesn’t really make that much sense to have all those extra lights. Mainly we need a key and maybe a rim if you really want to get fancy. The extra fill or kick is way overkill when you have env light.

I have only one enabled by default. So yeah, some defaults changing would be nice…

@eklein Cool stuff… I just don’t like vertical editors too much :stuck_out_tongue: but yeah, it’s cool… Perhaps a big material preview there would be nice. :wink:

The more I think about this, maybe this is really just an extension of the Asset manager project currently in development. I don’t know much about it but maybe it just needs a mode to only show current scene items?

EDIT: No, I just looked into it and BAM, the asset manager project is something entirely different. It a client/server system for managing assets in projects. Which is pretty cool in and of itself but not at all what I was thinking it was. I’m thinking of an “Asset Browser” internal to Blender.


In Blender, materials only need own browser and/or also option to select objects with same material tags (and not first finding or select-and-applying an object with that mat. then selecting with the same)…the goods from c4d :wink:


Hey I don’t mind having a minority opinion. Still fun thinking about this stuff. If it were only up to me it would actually look more like the following, with no arrows, even less text, expanding out the mode menu, etc…

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we also need a manager for image textures, to be able to replace/delete them and to get rid of the tons of duplicates blender creates on copying or appending objects or materials.
(And yet I don’t understand how duplicates of images must even exist)



How can we analyze/observe Normals in Edit Mode now? No option on N-panel… a thing missing somehow?

EDIT: found
Edit Mode > Overlays > Normals @ bottom (please include an option to view either Selected or All (solution in pigeon build by fjuhec)

Agree with recent addition of popovers arrows become a bit redundant. Maybe just draw them on mouseover ?

Was thinking this could all be managed/controlled via Outliner: ‘Blender File’ or ‘Data API’

So, I tried the latest Blender 2.8… and while I understand this is still WIP I really don’t understand what’s being done with the wireframe mode.

So you’re telling me that this is what’s going to be the default wireframe mode in Blender? Basically a sort of x-ray with wireframes on top of it? Except not really an x-ray either because you can’t see through it to other objects?
How is this supposed to be usable for the purposes that actual wireframe mode is usable for? It’s completely useless to use other objects as guides or for reference images/blueprints.
So instead of keeping the normal, actually useful option on the Z shortcut, now it’s hidden in a menu and called “Hidden Wire”. Which when activated by itself is completely useless as well… because of the backface culling so you need to press Z as well.
So whatever was done with just a shortcut before now needs a menu toggle on top of that… each and every time you want to switch to a real wireframe mode, which is something that one does a lot when modeling.

Is this the magical thing that’s supposed to replace the wireframes that Ton hates so much? Honestly every time that guy says something about modeling (and considering some of the dubious Blender design decisions that still linger to this day) I have to wonder if he actually did any kind of modeling in his life.


Yeah, c4d has a texture manager, very handy for this kind of stuff… The devs could grab some ideas from it… :wink:

the first thing developers should grab imo is to avoid duplication of images.


couldn’t agree more

Have you seen the weekly progress report video, the drawing can be configured to look almost exactly like 2.79’s wireframes but nicer looking. You can also mix it with other drawing modes such as the object color.

Having said that, it would be nice if there were workbench drawing presets representing what common setups would look like.


@sfgst, @sourvinos, Did you see this video?
WIREFRAMES - Blender 2.8 Code Quest

someone does not understand that those who usually model in blender do not want fancy pictures in the viewport, but rather a useful and fast wireframe view, full stop.


I don’t see where are the settings to change the behavior?
That video shows exactly what I’ve seen in the program. Meaning the need to activate “Hidden Wire” to make it look like before.

Also, “look almost exactly” doesn’t sound exactly encouraging.
There’s no reason for “Hidden Wire” to not be the default option and keeping the improvements of showing depth which are shown in the video.

Mixing it with other modes doesn’t really impress me in any way. Most programs have the option of showing the wireframe on top of the shaded or textured or whatever view. The fact that Blender just got up to date is not really impressive.