Blender 2.8 is now fully usable with left-click object selection

If feel slightly pressured to remain on what the moderators consider topic, but where is the fun in that?

@BTolputt I consider you blessed to have a left-handed child, they see the world through different eyes. Their brains are physically, wonderfully different. A larger corpus callosum allows the two halves of the brain to interact better and faster improving, among many things, spatial recognition. Do bear in mind he lives in a discriminating right-handed world.

Both my right-handed wife and daughter grew up in a left-handed household and both use a mouse left-handed without apparent disadvantage. I don’t, however, believe that the natural plasticity of the brain should take precedence over factualy verifiable constraints. I ended up using my naturally dominant index finger to left click and thus right click too, have developed a callus at the base of my index finger and I believe contributed to my RSI. My daughter, who is studying animation, loves her tablet but complains about the awkwardness of using a stylus to drive the various UIs of the software foisted on her, although she has the advantage of using the mouse in her left-hand and the stylus in her right.

The discrimination chirp was mostly made in jest, in a failed attempt to highlight the longevity of legacy decisions, good or bad, despite changes, good or bad, and often rapidly changing paradigms. Who doesn’t want a cheap tablet with a beautiful, colour correct, 13/15 inch high resolution screen, a powerful CPU and GPU of workstation standard and a good keyboard, mouse and fabulous stylus with great battery life?