[Blender 2.8] - Loop cut tool (proposals)

Oh. Why didn’t I think to look there? :S

Will it still be possible to type numerical values?

The loop cut tool needs improvements.

I just discovered it doesn’t work on this type of topology.




Blender’s loopcut tool was never written in a way to support cutting triangles if there was a plausible path for the cut line to take.

The workaround is to select the edges, subdivide them, then use edge offset to move said edges close to the center to get a quad loop. It would be nice to have though.

In that specific case I’d use inset. It’d still be nice to have loop cut able to handle situations like that, though.

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or first bevel the center point - the pole, then you can cut around it. Old trick used for cutting cones.

Thinking further, poles could be preliminarily recognized/registered > beveled for the time of cut-loop action and after merged back to 1.

Blender desperately needs edge selections.

here is another issue i found in both 2.80 and 2.79 , if you use face mode and loop cut it always switches selection to edge mode, but doesn’t do that with other combinations like vertex mode only or vertx/face or vertex/edge…etc is this a limitation of the tool or just how it was designed?

I guess it’s because at the end it selects the new loop, so edges. And you can’t select edges in face mode, while you can in vertex mode

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As you say, it works the same in 2.79. lscpp is right.
Mesh editing paradigm is that newly created mesh elements are selected.
The switch occurs because selection corresponds to edges.
Before 2.35, there was no vertex/edge/face selection mode.
Situation was equivalent to vertex selection mode. A face was selected because 4 vertices were selected.
Loopcut is older. It was able to do multicut after modes introduction.

There is room for improvement of multicut. We could imagine that creation of even number of loops would end-up with a selection of quad loops. That would be an option in topbar, an extension of feature provided by 2.8 UI.
But for the moment, there are so much things to fix and restore. That could wait future 2.8 releases.

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it could select the neighbouring faces on which side you slide after the cut…it’s just for consistency so it doesn’t do the switching for you because if you try to select afterwards the face/edge drawing jumps.

absolutely , just brining it here since i didn’t see anyone talk about it hence the title of the thread, i also saw nice porposals in RCS about loop cut tool which would be nice to have in the future.