Blender 2.8 User Interface/Usability

Dude, please don’t get defensive. Just because someone prefers another way of working doesn’t make them your natural enemy. Yes I have used a few other open source (and inferior) 3d apps (misfit model 3d, wings 3d, k-3d), but that shouldn’t really matter. You are aruguing that way is the “simplest”. If that is the case then even people who have no 3d experience at all would instantly agree with you. This clearly isn’t the case.

There will have to be some compromises. Being able to edit the tabs the properties editor displays would at least allow you to work with a properties editor that only displays contextual properties. You can spawn a floating instance of the same editor or display the other tabs as needed when you need to change things like render settings.

That and there is the template system. The blender pro template already has a floating window for render settings, so there is no reason to think that having these options as windows outside of the properties editor wouldn’t be possible in 2.8.