Blender 2.8 viewport updates

I fail to come up with a situation where one would want to not display a gizmo while using a tool (not that i am against options).
Edit mode overlays are active even if overlays are turned off. I would argue that gizmos should be treated the same unless somebody explicitly turns them off (in overlays)
It might be enough to simply uncouple them from the general overlay switch while keeping the gizmo switch in the menu active (and unchanged).

But i might oversee some people’s workflow.
It makes sense to micromanage these settings when using more than one viewport.

just an interesting thing I noticed on my Mac + AMD card relating to one of my biggest challenges with working with the 2.8 viewport…

there appears to be an issue with properly clearing buffers while working/navigating the viewport in all display modes. however, resizing the 3d viewport appears to force a fresh redraw that looks nice and clean. it even helps with some artifacts mac AMD cards seem to have with eevee sss.

I’m sure cleaning up the viewport drawing code is probably somewhere down the list as they work through all the alpha issues but I thought I’d share it somewhere in case it helps isolate the issue.

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check my previous reply…i find it super useful to have tool gizmos off like the loop cut because u can combine it with different ones with their shortcuts like extrude and bevel…etc while the multi components are on, which reduces switching tools and mouse clicks, very fast workflow, when in maya u have to click the tool to activate it then click to exit, then click to switch to multi-components…etc, very tedious and time consuming.

I think i found a bug. I tried to reproduce what you do, but whenever i try to use a loop cut while overlay is turned off, Blender crashes. :hushed:

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don’t worry, i already reported it on the developer site…the overlay have to be off after u enter edit mode and select the tool to make it work.

Good. I was about to report that yesterday but I was too lazy. :smile:

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I fail to see the point in showing gizmos when Blender has such great keyboard controls.

I almost never show the gizmo, and I fully expect to be able to continue to work this way. So kindly shelve your plans to disallow gizmo hiding, that would be an awful decision.

I have no plans in that regard, i am just asking questions.
Also you missed the part where i said:
It might be enough to simply uncouple them from the general overlay switch while keeping the gizmo switch in the menu active (and unchanged).

I also use 95% shortcuts so i mostly don’t use gizmos. But when i do i don’t want them to vanish when turning off all other overlays.

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Obviously you would not be forced to use gizmos. However, some of the active tools require a gizmo to be present, otherwise they don’t work. That’s the crux of the matter - should we allow for disabling something that makes active tools not work?

If you don’t use the active tools this has no bearing on you at all. You can continue to use hotkeys just like today with no gizmos visible. I think you misunderstood it to mean that the only way to perform actions is via active tools and gizmos. That’s not what’s being discussed.


may i ask a question, why don’t u guys draw the transformation gizmos all the time instead of the 1D infinte line?, it’s visually distracting and jumpy, especially when multiple objects are selected and transformed on their local axes…IMO with gizmos it’s easy to read the direction and the distance without any distraction.

Ah, that makes sense then, thanks for the explanation. :smiley:

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This is not a new thing. Was the case in 2.7 and before too. It’s not so much a choice as something that was left unchanged.

There are advantages and disadvantages to hiding when transforming. The hidden situation makes it possible to see your items unobstructed, but is also more jarring.

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Will vxgi come for eevee? “armory engine” using this technology can not be adapted to du eevee?

but u guys changed the rotation tool now it draws circle with ticks for snapping and bisect keeps arrow drawn and grays out the previous one that’s really a cool change, maybe just gray/dim them out, that would be nice for us new users.

Not sure if this is the right place for this. But is there a 3D Cursor ROTATION panel somewhere? If not, I think we should add it.
Currently there is a Location panel in the N shelf.


Ah, I see now what you meant. Right, that would be a logical expectation to having manipulator that correctly follows where the vertices are visually, but right now, my concern is the manipulator, period.

It’s really awkward having the manipulator show up elsewhere than where what’s selected in Edit Mode with a modifier on (for me, the Armature Modifier specifically, but would extend to others as well).

Definitely agree. At the very least, there should be a manipulator that allows easy/precise tweaking of the 3D Cursor like everything else. I can’t recall coming across a good explanation as to why this isn’t already the case.

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Another edit mode optimization (drawing is 30 percent faster when the view is not actively rotating).

Hope we get tons more of these type of things for the beta.


For the immediate versions of any tools I’d want the line to stay and the gizmo gone. To me the gizmo is obtrusive, so if the active tool version were to keep the gizmos up I would hope they just make sure the hotkey tools still used the lines (especially if the gizmo is hidden).

well now we have the overlays with the gizmo and active tool options, so technically we can have both and like you said the hotkeys are not affected. this way you please both the power users and the newcomers it’s a win win.

Is there a reason why face inset doesn’t have a proper gizmo now? It still uses that wonky dotted line that extends forever and gets stupidly hard to adjust depending on where your cursor is… Are there plans to improve this?

I actually don’t understand why anyone hasn’t brought it up…