Blender 4.2 copy settings from previous?

Hello, I just installed Blender 4.2. Usually it asks If I want to transfer my addons & settings from the previous version but this time it didnt. Can I still transfer my confs anmd addons or is it recommended to start with vanilla this time and redo the configs and install the addons with the new system?

You most likely opened Blender 4.2 before release (eg. Alpha/Beta/etc)

Easyest solution would be to just delete 4.2 config.
If You are on windows go to %AppData%\Blender Foundation\Blender and delete (only!!) 4.2 folder


Zuorion’s post is (as you checkmarked) the “can I still transfer” solution, but answering the bit I quoted above: yes, it is generally recommended to redo your customization manually with each new version of Blender – development’s fast-paced, there’s frequently new stuff happening that old settings can trip over. I used to use the transfer-from-previous option with every new version, including my years-old startup.blend with my fave default material setup. Turns out I was accidentally overwriting the latest version of the Principled BSDF node, while wondering when the innovations I was hearing about (in passing, wasn’t as involved then) were gonna show up.

But it’s a pain setting up fresh every time, in practice I’ll probably do it once a year or when an LTS release hits.