Blender 4.2 LTS Released

I think they are way better at marketing than at squashing the bugs I want fixed because they affect me! :smiley:

It could be said that they spend quite some energy at doing marketing, but I donā€™t necessarily agree. I understand why they want the flashy website. And I think theyā€™re doing it well. And also they donā€™t spend crazy amounts of time and money with marketing all year round.


Oh yes the release notes link is connected to releasesā€¦ did someone simply reported this ?

Again: they are humans tooā€¦ :smile_cat:


Sorry butā€¦as Iā€™ve posted beforeā€¦that part of the page was like this

Probably, as webpage are not written on the rocks and the devs can read as many others, they changed itā€¦and itā€™s nice they did it.

Anywayā€¦ I think itā€™s a great release and I think devs are great doing this.

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The link has been fixed now @Kologe . I asked and it was a mistake.


Hmm, might be. In that case sorry.
Tho that link was there in every release, cause iā€™ve always beend scrolling and clicking on it.

It could be an indication that enough of the main major pain points in Blender itself have either been addressed or are being addressed that people are looking outside of the application itself to find something to complain about. If this is the case, then the BF is arguably on a roll right now.

Now there are still pain points and arguably a couple of controversial changes in Eevee Next, but with even sculpt mode seeing major attention now and the BGE no longer being a thing to complain about regarding lack of progress, the tradition of keeping Blender release threads from becoming an ensemble of praise must continue.


You really want to bring the Blender Game Engine into this ??

[ Edit: too much numbers here :wink: ]

This was removed  2   5 years agoā€¦
:two: :x:
:five: :white_check_mark:

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Great to hear that. Thanks for your efforts and everyone elseā€™s.


For the official one you can find on Blender section, I extract some parts from Whatā€™s new section and show also Ray Portal Node features from some designer.

I saw know there is a discussion about the clarification about UI/UX about Release Notes

Is this a joke? it happened with 2.80 in 2018, maybe I am bad at math or slipped thru and banged my head but thats six(6) years?

But for shock value, 18 releases ago works well!


I was guessing 2 yearss and looked at Wikipedia (they mentioned removed 2019) so my mind tricked my by not replacing 2 with 5 but adding itā€¦

ā€¦or iā€™m getting tiredā€¦ :thinking:

Seeā€¦ iā€™m also only human too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Pretty cool release on the overall IMO, lotā€™s of new stuff to play with and many small UI attention that makes blender much more slick to work with !
Iā€™m super exited and looking forward to have time to make cool personal projects with it ! For now at work Iā€™m stuck with 4.1 and Iā€™m already a bit sad :smiley:


Indeed look pretty incredible. Sadly I donā€™t get to use Blender at all at the moment for work but itā€™s great to watch the progress.

I wish my very expensive CAD system (Inventor) got even a quarter of this effort put into it. Blender progresses more in 4 months than it does in 4 years.

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I also think the checkbox text could be clearer. However, I think the tooltip is very clear.

Do you think it is more dangerous than the previously bundled addons?


Do you realize that many people probably donā€™t have Tooltips even turned on? Or even if on, hardly bother to read it? (Which - given the average level of tooltip usefulness in Blender, is understandableā€¦)

The checkbox isnā€™t just ā€œnot clearā€. Itā€™s misleading; the fact that people are now asking ā€œhey, does this checkbox do what it says?ā€ demonstrates the problem.


You can turn tooltips off? Wasnā€™t aware of that.

I am struggling to understand what kind of practical problem people could run into. What could happen is, they would add another repository, a dubious/questionable one, get some extensions from there and then uncheck allow internet access?

Thereā€™s no point in responding to this, there are the better part of 25 replies just in this thread explaining exactly what youā€™re asking. Given this, I have to assume you either havenā€™t read the replies before adding your own, or this question is not serious but just for the sake of arguing. Either way, it contributes nothing to this discussion

I am asking about actual problems people could run into because of this. I havenā€™t seen any reply in that regard. If I missed it, feel free to point to it.

Feel free to assume all day long.

Iā€™ve been using blender for like 18 months. Youā€™ve been on BA for 6 1/2 years. How donā€™t you know that?

I am struggling to understand what kind of practical problem people could run into.

User is aware that an addon, written by a bad person, can contain code that connects to the intenet and does bad things.

No problem, all User needs to do is UNCHECK that new box. Problem solved, addons cannot connect to internet!

Oh, waitā€¦

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If I have no need to turn them off, I might not know this is possibleā€¦

Who intentionally runs code that is written by a questionable person?