Blender 4.2 LTS Released

I wouldn’t want anyone suing the Blender Foundation for something like that. Hopefully it won’t happen, but it could be viewed as an open door to the possibility, and a different wording wouldn’t.

Anyway, I wouldn’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings or pile on the already crazy amount of attacks, on and on and on, against the developers… or something along those lines.

Just a concern. They can do what they want with their software, of course.

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Who said anything about it being intentional?

Do you think that everyone who has malware run on their system is doing it intentionally? Do you think every installer or executable of malware is accurately labeled, and contains a ReadMe that says “Warning: Running this thing will fuck up your computer, and hopefully others.”

The checkbox is labelled incorrectly. It does not do, what it clains to do. You asked “about actual problems people could run into because of this.”

And now you’ve seen replies in that regard.


My question was specifically about whether something changed in your view regarding built-in addons, compared to downloading them from the official extensions platform.
Both, the built-in addons, as well as the extensions are going through a review process. That’s why there isn’t really a difference in my view.

I don’t think I follow your line of thought there.

Could you profusely develop that for me?

The problem extends beyond built-in addons and the official extensions platform.

Are you aware that people can still install and use addons without having anything to do with the extensions platform, at all? Extensions website (and/or typing in your own repository URL) is optional for installing addons, not the only method.

I am referring to this:

I don’t understand why you believe it is potentially unnecessarily dangerous. Especially, whether you think it is more dangerous now with extensions, compared to before, when Blender just contained those addons.

I don’t get any connection between your question and my statement.

Could you develop it further, please?

I don’t understand why you think a checkbox that basically says “SHUT DOWN THE BLENDER INTERNET CONNECTION” - and does not, in fact, do this - is of no concern.

The File command that says SAVE - does it only save on tuesday? Does it only save files that you originally created? Does it only save files with over 10,000 vertexes? Does it only save files created by someone with 3 vowels in their name?

Or do you expect it to do what it implies, and save ALL blender files?

Let’s try it differently. Why do you think extensions are potentially unnecessarily dangerous?

Thank you.

But sadly, I still don’t see any connection whatsoever between your question and my statements.

Would you mind trying yet again?

You wrote this:

Could you explain what exactly is obviously unnecessary dangerous (potentially)?

Why do you not acknowledge that Extensions are not the only factor in the equation?

Ok, this is nonsense. No productive discussion is happening here. Take it to DMs or a different thread


You are leaving part of my post out. Maybe that’s why we don’t seem to have a common ground to understand each other.

It may also be that I didn’t express myself well enough. Others seem to get it, but not universally, as we see.

Could you elaborate more, to see if I’m able to understand you, since the other way around maybe it’s not working?

Dude, I am asking for a clarification of why one specific person thinks that. How is that nonsense?

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I said take it to DMs and I meant it. Further unconstructive replies will be removed

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I think the only “issue” is the wording, accompanied by the one youtuber saying that “if you have privacy concerns, you can turn it off”. That’s all :slight_smile:


And you are a very disturbing “good boy”, sir. :slight_smile:


I’m female, but I’ll take it as a compliment. :laughing: Thank you


Oh, my apologies, you disturbing “good girl”! Please don’t bite this silly stranger, now. :slight_smile:

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