Blender Fluid Particles (10.000.000 Particles)

Something simple, test #01.

Watch in HD720p

Second test, testing out some limits.

Watch it fullscreen and 1080p.

And my last test, zero gravity and force fields.

Watch in HD720p

More information about render settings etc. in the video description.

very cool :slight_smile:

Finished my biggest “test”.

(Watch in 1080p and fullscreen.)

Read the description for more information and download.

Mitsuma - great tests; in your latest video you used metaballs for particles? Baking is not multithreaded, am I right? I think that fluid particles are really neglected by Blender developers; at this point they can be mostly used in such tests I guess. Perhaps some GPU acceleration for this kind of calculations would be more than welcome.

yeah wonder that myself, how long does caching take? I did 50k particles and single threading baking is no fun.
I mean baking particles itself is no fun :smiley: would love to see 100-200k SPH at interactive rates.

first we take CUDA then berlin, no OpenCL.

anyways some progress has been made with RTPS but their goal is not to OpenCL particlesystem it’s in the BGE realtime engine.

but can be nice to see anyway. even if it never gets into blender trunk and remains experimental BGE stuf.

Wow love the realtime, but stunned at the huge sim! But 13gb? won’t try that soon.

and 36h baking, single thread on q8600 :smiley: but still it’s neat. nice you have the time :smiley: It looks good overall. really good.

2mio metaballs? It would kill my PC.
I used simple iocospheres.

I think baking is multithreaded. My CPU is at 90-100% while baking.
Sure GPU acceleration would be useful but it is really hard to port it.

Baking the 2.000.000 particles took 36h and 8min on my old Intel C2Q Q8200 @2,8GHz.

There is one thing I would like to have in Blender.
A “mesher” to make a single mesh from the particles.
(Metaballs are way to overkill for high amounts of particles.)
There are two experimental mesher but they use metaballs with some additional settings.
We wouldn’t need the fluid simulation if we could have a proper mesher.

Now that I have a “feeling” for the amount, size etc. I will make some more complex stuff.

And about the openCL particles.
I already tested an experimental version from enjalot.
About 500k-1m particles in realtime @ 15-7fps.

OK but icospheres do not create a surface so the only thing we can do now is simulating hundreds of balls or other sphere objects, right? Dang, I would really like to see this openCL branch in trunk, guess its developer is not interested in this anymore? That’s a shame…

im pretty sure it was single threaded when i checked all cores. could be wrong.

single mesh thing, there’s a add-on here on under the plugins and themes section. searched the deeplink but couldn’t find it.
it makes a mesh over the particles but __ on 2M particles it’s gonna be a lot of waiting :smiley:

it’s to bad the OpenCL particles are only BGE, I mean you could ‘record’ a sim in BGE: but still would be better if the animation particles where cuda/opencl accellerated.

aermartin: its multithreaded in 2.62 :slight_smile:

I used a custom build, 2.61.4 r43736.

There is one thing I would like to have in Blender.
A “mesher” to make a single mesh from the particles.

The mesher (surface polygonizer) is under development by Stephen with the help of Fasthary. There were an a test build, but I missedit. It were very alpha stage but judging from the video I saw, very promising.
I 'd begrateful if any one can make a win32/64 build of it :wink:

There are 32bit and 64bit builds:
They were deleted. :frowning:

More particles!

one question is there a limit while bake? like in the normal water in blender?

The limit is basically your computer.
You need a lot RAM to render the scene and a powerful CPU.


some details please :smiley:

There are some information in the video description.
Let me know if you want to know something.

Wonderful simulations. Is there a .blend I could download to use as reference? I am trying something similar but am having problems with the speed of the flow and collision objects. It would be awesome to see how you have yours setup.

Thank you,
M. Lightning