Blender for Unreal Engine


Where can I download a Blender for Unreal Engine live link addon that exports textures already applied to objects?

both the addon for blender and the plugin for Unreal Engine.

thank you very much


I managed to import objects from blender to Unreal by .fbx from : content drawer
even imported the texture

but the textures didn’t matter when applied to the object.

do you have a mallet?

another thing :
How can I place all objects in the scene at once without having to drag with the mouse?

Thank you again

Usually any app using any 3D assets also decribes howto prepare those so that they are usable in it … so maybe have a look at their site and/or forum:

…or a quick search here on BA ( :mag: …top right )


thank you for your attention .

Is there a live link where everything you do on Blender’s screen goes straight to unreal?

the kind that when you move the camera the unreal also moves the camera in real time?

thank you again

The official Epic plugin ( does that to some extent (still need to press some buttons last time I checked). I’ve used it for a while, but then I switched to this one: (which doesn’t have live link, but it’s just a matter of copy/pasting a python command to import models, it’s quite efficient). And I moved 1000s of models between Blender and Unreal with it without issues…

the first link is bad, it doesn’t work

Does the live link you said you use export textures applied to objects as well?

is there a live link like the one I described above for: Substance designer for Unreal?


It works, but you have to apply to Epic group first (it’s Epic’s org repo).

do you know anything about it?


how do i do it?
