Blender geometry nodes ask for explain


Can someone show me right way how autor this post add to photoscan trunk many hand editable branch?

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It some good guy show me right way?

You want to be able to recreate what was shown on the video?

The author the article is about probably spent a lot of time developing that node graph, setting up the textures, etc.

For this kind of interactive editing, you do have access to splines, edges, etc. from a node graph and could build up something on your own. It won’t be as sophisticated as on the video at first, but if you start somewhere, you can work your way up. :slight_smile:

If you want exactly what’s shown there, the article links to the author’s gumroad page where their assets are on offer, some for purchase and some for free.

Autor this post not sell this tree otherwise I will buy it, and I dont want show me all graphs but how add many editables splines stick to trunk

I don’t fully understand.

If you have a mesh with a geometry node modifier applied, the data you edit live in edit mode is the input for that modifier. This is the fundamental way that geometry nodes can be used.

If you want to do this kind of thing - to edit simple things to get complex things computed - you need to deal with this advanced system. :slight_smile:

Well try to ask him especially about this tree asset… on his dicord or here: