Blender Girl 3!

wonderful work! can’t wait to see more!

Hi got a Little Update again!

Here is a quick walk cycle I have done:

Very nice walk , keep on coming.:wink:

Her arms look like noodles when their flapping around, and she seems a little stiff in the shoulders
but i like the appeal you went for :stuck_out_tongue:
im sure your next attempt will nail it

Amazing work! I am just getting into animation myself, alot to learn. Where are your .blend files?


Hey MCHammod, where can I download your awesome project so I can learn from your excellent work!

Just a small update sorry for the long gap but its been crunch time at work!
Thanks for the CnC everyone!

Latest Render:
Click for Larger Image

I’m thinking of a still like this: Link

You need more fill light. Her cheecks are getting really dark, especially in the tomb raider render

bmud: Thanks for the CnC I will give it a go when I get home.

i really like the style of hair you’re going with; i tried to do that style a while back, but i just couldn’t quite figure it out. did you play with it until you got it the way you wanted, or is there a nice tut somewhere? i guess if i weren’t so lazy, i could probably just keep playing with it myself…

EDIT: oops, didnt’ see the three pages :stuck_out_tongue: wow, the finished product looks awesome! good job!

I really like the skin material, it’s very cartoonish without looking like plastic. Great job

Im not gonna lie, the dual guns one is looking pretty smexy, and it’s a great model, the style is just perfect, it’s like a barbie without looking plasticy, and just the character it portrays in the few renders is amazing, you should do a tutorial of this, or at least making a human model and rig.

ward7299: Thanks dude!, Are you wanting more info on the particle hair or the modeled hair?

JoeSchmoe: Thanks :smiley:

DividedSpleen23: Cheers dude!

Here is one with improved Lighting and a darker background to bring out the gals!
Click for Larger Image

Laura Croft might have some competition…I didn’t think it was possible…

oh, sorry. the modeled hair. :slight_smile: and you’re quite welcome

Here is a test render of a cell shade filter I am working on, I don’t know if I will go with it.
I forgot to render out the Alpha so I couldn’t put the background in :frowning: I will do that tomorrow.
Click for Large Image.

I have mixed feelings about the cell shader. It is really subtle and I am not sure if that takes away from it or if it is a plus and does not look like a typical cell shaded model that screams “I’m cell shaded!” if you know what I mean. I guess I would have to see more shots of it with different settings to make a better judgment. I like the reference to big buck bunny.

Hi again, I was gonna get this done yesterday but I started playing Civ4 and 10 hours later was still playing. The most annoying thing is I was 10 turns from space race victory when the Mayans won a cultural victory!

I have done some costume text for the Pic but cant decide on the color of the background.

Here are your two options, Burnt & Blue.Click on Image for Larger Pic.


Just check the spelling for me will you I am a bit weak at spelling.


linuxpimp21: I have decided against the cell shaded render, for now. thanks for the CnC

ward7299: The modeled hair, I cant remember if you where the guy who PM’ed me? but I’m planning to do a Tute on that in the future. The new projection painting in 2.49 will really speed it up :D.

DividedSpleen23: thanks dude :smiley:

for movies and games you don’t need the apostrophes (’)

for movies and games you don’t need the apostrophes (')

Thanks, I will correct them now.