Blender Guru Competition: Photo Realism

Hey everyone, here’s my entry to the contest. Hope you all like it, and may the best man win!

Here is my entry being updated continually.
This is the Presonus Audio Box USB.
I made this in blender 2.63 and rendered it in cycles with 2000 samples.
And I’m almost done
Here is the image:

hi guys this is my entry, i do it
entirely with blender and renderized
it with the blender internal, it seem
to me that make it in the internal blender
was a challenge, so i do my best, i hope you like
it, good day…


this image was entirely made with blender 2.63, and renderized with the blender internal only…
just in case:

Hi there

Here goes a test of mine, rendered with cycles. Am not entering the contest since the bonsai is from Blender Swap.

@ Milan Addams: I thought the same exact thing, I saw it on the BN site 3 days after the contest post. It’s a brilliant piece, but looks like it took a lot longer than 3 days. :smiley:

made entirely in blender, render:blender internal[ATTACH=CONFIG]188726[/ATTACH]

My entry.

I have only been using blender for a few months and this is my first good render that i got not following a tutorial.

About half of the background is cg, the other picture of a part of the garden in my back yard.


My first competition.

hello everybody, this is my entry

My computer cant do better size, but y give the blend for my friend, perhaps y can post here before end time… if not this is my final :slight_smile:

Sorry for my english :-).
Y see verry goods one here, and im shure more beauty wait in some computer :yes:.
It’s à really good challenge for me cause i do cartoons render in normal time LOL.
thank’s andrew for this.
It’s the good time to learn Cycle ;-).

EDIT: Ok this is my Final :-). I edit the post.
1500*1000 is the photo format size (Aspect Ratio) in france for real photos :slight_smile: .

And sorry y cant do more bigger than this… i dont have a good computer.


@ meltingman: Well done! :smiley:

Looking great Jonathan! Very inspiring! Good Luck!

@meltingman Very good job!

good jobs here

the chair looks like a model my

Here’s my entry. 1850x1400 : 6000 samples : 2hr on 2 x GTX560. Thank you to Brecht for making Cycles :slight_smile:

Here is my entry. 1850x1400 : 2 hours on GTX560 x 2 : 6000 samples. Thank you Brecht for giving us cycles.

@julioras It’s a Kennedy chair, yes, but it is definitely not yours.
Proof for anyone that might think it is his model:
Mine was clearly made with Bezier Curves
I don’t think I need to discuss the cushions :smiley:
I have always enjoyed your work julioras, so if it looks anything like yours that is a compliment :smiley:

sem problemas,was just a comment,Good luck in the competition

This is my personal winner atm. There are lots of hamlets like that where i live and i can assure it’s…photorealistic!

Stunning work, i personally don’t like the face behind the window though.