Blender Guru Competition: Scifi

This is my first participation and I’m surely not an artist…

I am really inexperienced with Blender (I didn’t know how to move the camera seven months ago) but I tried my best.
Some of these renders are just absolutely amazing.

Hi fellas!!! I hope you gonna enjoy this image whether it’s gonna win or not.

this is the funniest one of the bunch…

He said aliens… right? :smiley:

Keep these great entries comin’!

Hello guys! Here is the scene I created for the competition… Who knows…? We might have to build entire cities on the water in the future. Let’s say at about the year 2077… I hope you like it :slight_smile:


Sorry for messing this up…

I dont know how to delete these posts… I just wanted to post it once…i am sorry…

Delete please…
Here is my entry. Took 4:22 hours to render on my medium classed graphics card at 500 samples. Did some minor post processing in Gimp. I hope you like it :).

It seems something went wrong here :P… How can i delete the posts and leave 1!!!

here’s my entry hope you like it

Okay! Here is my final and complete entry! :smiley:
Thank you Mr. Ferguson for lending a hand in rendering it out for me! :slight_smile:

As for the rest of you, Enjoy! :slight_smile:

here is my final entry.

Hello :slight_smile: this is my image for the scifi competition,

happy blendering!

This is my Entry.
On my facebook site ( you can see the WIP images.
May the Force be with me :slight_smile:


Thanks! glad that it made you smile!!!

I still don’t like how mine is currently, but I may as well upload it.