I have a scene. I render it using Cycles and get a blue screen. It is not just Blender crashing – the whole PC is going BOSD.
I tried rendering animation of different number of frames (2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30 and 110). Bluescreen occurs always, but at different times: BOSD can happen when Blender is Sampling, when Blender is loading objects, even when Blender writes in white text «Finished». In all the cases rendered video is a damaged file that cannot be read. I am using GPU rendering, but if I switch render stings to CPU, nothing changes
Turning on rendered view in the viewport slows PC down, but no BOSD happens
Most of the time BOSDs are «kernel power» (this one is the most popular) and «memory management». I guess it needs to be noted that I have BODS with these and other errors even if I am not using Blender and just surfing the Internet with a browser, though it happens rarely.
I am running a custom-built PC with: Intel Core i9 9900KF 3.60GHz, 4095MB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060, 32 Gb RAM
The whole PC is approximately two years old, none of the components were bought second-hand. I did not overclock anything.
Blender used to write «system is out of GPU memory», but I deleted a few objects, and this issue was resolved. I am not sure if it relevant
I looked through this (Cycles rendering is blue-screening my PC!) and some other topics related to my problem, and here is what I have tried:
I downloaded and installed newest available driver for my GPU from the official website
I watched my GPU during rendering and it did not turn on its fans (my GPU turns them on when it decides that it needs more cooling)
I ran FurMark stress tests:
I ran FurMark stress test with 1920x1080 resolution, Anti-Alaising off, dynamic background and burn-in for 17 minutes and GPU temperature did not go up higher than 69 Celsius). BOSD did not happen
I ran FurMark stress test with 1920x1080 resolution, Anti-Alaising 2X MSAA, dynamic camera for 17 minutes and GPU temperature again did not go up higher than 69 Celsius). BOSD did not happen
I ran FurMark stress test preset 1080, (GPU temperature did not go up higher than 69 Celsius). The app gave me SCORE:7877 points (131 FPS, 60000 ms). BOSD did not happen.
I also ran Prime 95 torture test (Smallest FFT) and it found 1 error after one hour and a half (fatal error rounding was 0.4907226563, expected less than 0.4)
I tried switching from OptX to CUDA in «preferences»
I turned viewport render stings to wireframe so that it does not load GPU
Nothing of the above helped, unfortunately
I haven’t tried undervolting yet because 69 degrees at stress test and 40 degrees when I do nothing on my PC seem fine to me. Am I wrong? Does RTX 3060’s temperature must be lower?
Could you please give me some advice on how to fix those blue screens during Cycles render?
How can I define which part of my PC is making the computer BOSD?
I will appreciate any help
I am using Blender 3.6.0