Option to choose between black and white icon in taskbar/tray (need application restart)
Option to choose default library page shown at startup
Show warning before quitting if there is any active downloads
Show placeholders in pages
I also had time to explore GraphicAll builds and got into some headache.
Site is fully dynamic so there is no an easy way to extract a bit of useful information without using some JS engine
Although user can simply throw a link to BL and load a build, there is no way to know the branch behind it
I will try to find some workarounds anyway, so hope for the best.
Don’t really know what are you talking about, sorry…
One of the possible ways is to retrieve commit on blender repository that also contain branch name, it is quite simple. But this one only for build, not when downloading, which is a bit annoying.
Hi! Thanks for feedback!
Stable and daily uses different sites to download. The speed doesn’t depend on BL, at least if there is not like 3-5 active at once. Also, if there is some other apps uses network they have more priority (Steam for example).
That’s funny how some things that obvious for developer not that clear to user, it should be added to wiki for sure , thanks for pointing out.
Quit BL if there is running one and simply replace the old file with new one.
Ironically the launcher itself don’t have feature to check new updates and download them. This would be nice, but ofcourse not essential. This is really good app to have newest blender always at hand very much appreciated for the developer.
Well, it’s kinda doable, however it leads to some design problems.
It need some time to figure out what can be done in this area, not a focus right now.
Awesome tool, only small issue I have is on Linux with Plasma Desktop, is if I move the program by title window it’s all jerky and doesn’t follow mouse properly, but use the meta+left click it’s fine, all other programs on computer are fine.
Hi! Thaks for feedback!
Do you use 1080 monitor? Or maybe there is some sort of dpi scaling enabled on system?
I use custom code for dragging window, probably something here.
I’m planning minor update on weekends, so will check out.
Triple Monitor in a PLP setup (Portrait, Landscape, Portrait), I’ve recently notice KDE has not so good multi-monitor support though, thinking of making the switch back to gnome or just use a window manager instead, but need to get used to it more.
Edit: Check it on the Linux Mint 20 VM and it was working fine, so might just be a KDE issue also.
Pretty minor release, mostly refactor and UI changes.
There is also some weird problem with experimental branches - they not working after downloading before relaunching program.
Will check it as soon as I have time.
Minimize/show child windows with parent
Download progress bar occupies all available space
Show headers for builds information
Show button in status bar to redirect to latest release when available