Blender web plugin status

That’s from 2006 so probably the web plugin that was availalble for the older blender versions.


That plugin also only works with Internet Explorer on Windows. Many of us would probably like to see this as a Firefox plugin - I think Firefox plugins are cross platform. Even if not, I really would like to see an update on this, and may work on it myself if I ever get enough free time.

Replying to this old post because it ranks #1 in google for “Blender Web Player” (Well the #1 result links to here).

The Unity3D player will play .blend files. It’s not a turnkey solution, some coding may be required (if you need camera control for example) but the unity editor imports .blend files natively including animations. Then from the editor, export using the web player and you have your scene playing in a web browser, with 3D acceleration…

I almost gave up on finding a solution to this one until I stumbled on this fact.

Maybe some kind of more advanced blender player can be rigged using unity as a base. It would certainly save a lot of work.

Does Unityimport and use the blender logic bricks or python coding in the blend file. If not, it’s not a simple solution to have a web enabled game. You need to reconstruct that in unity so not a straight forward solution. There are a number of threads here that cover using blender resources in Unity

As for a web solution in blender, as version 2.5/2.6 will use a different python version it would be pointless to develop such a thing until this is finalised.

I do not know.
This info may be not very pertinent to Blender Game - the reason I posted on this thread is because I want people doing google searches for “Blender Web Player” in the future to hit this information. It took me many many hours to find out the information and I thought I would save others who may be doing the same research in the future some time…

evilc thanks for making this page available but its just a bit disappointing that you can’t run .blend on the web, though in the previous posts 3DMLW has been mentioned to support .blend models but not blenders core features like…THE GAME ENGINE! But at any rate if someone knows a developer of blender then please tell them that the blender community needs this web-plugin like air in outer space. So blender dev team, GET ON THIS PROJECT!!! ASAP!!! Please :frowning: