Blender - Wrinkle Maps with Driver!?


So, I recently got into researching wrinkle maps and found quite a couple that I would love to implement but I am not quite sure on the correct approach to implementing these.

My first approach was to add a wrinkle map texture then control the strength of the wrinkle map with a driver when the bone is moved to a certain position. For example, I copied the location of the Z axis as a driver to where if the brow moves upwards along the Z axis then it activates that driver and turns the strength up. It works, but I am not sure what expression could be used to increase the value more than what’s already there without being stuck on that value when the brow bone is back to its original state.

Brow bone move up on Z axis > Bump node strength value move to 1 for instance
Which in theory does as intended, but I only want it to move up to a certain value.
The screenshot is what I kinda want the value to be. (Instead its at like 0.0024 or something, which I cant change with a generator modifier in the driver editor since it doesnt show up)

Check the link. I think there is also a sample file. :thinking:

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