And i have to setup a scene on propose to have that option from start…
I work with 3DsMax and moving most of my personal stuff to Blender and testing it for a professional studio but there is no denying that i can do most of what i need with much less clicks in 3Dsmax than in Blender. Outliner is unfinished and not even friendly in what it does, if a user wants to show only a hierarchy that should be a RMB not.
Also when you select an object in RMB should appear a Show in Outliner. Nota convoluted drop down menu of a drop down menu so 4 clicks.
RMB over object also should have an option to show Properties > Object Properties
In one of my recent experiences in an heavy scene, i discovered that i don’t get the name of the object i am selecting anywhere unless in some windows in properties tab.