Blenderwelder - Sketchbook

… some amazing works lately mate, keep them coming … really good stuff … thx :slight_smile:

Thanks sumoLondo! I’ll do my best. I have now been doing 3D one year and man it has been FUN! I especially love modelling, lightning and texturing and I think I will focus more in those areas. :slight_smile:

Spent whole day playing with MakeHuman and Blender. Had some fun and not-so-fun moments… My old PC is not able to do as complex hair as I would want to and it’s also impossible to do fluid simulations which I would have loved to include in this image. But I am still quite happy for the result. :slight_smile:

Testing more Blender+Makehuman combo with this scene I did yesterday:

And here is roughly presented how I get to the image above. Wings are not perfect, but did not had time to model them so made those with sapling tree generator. :smiley:

Just a 3D selfie :slight_smile:

“Fall of the Cabal” - Blender 2.70a and MakeHuman 1.0. Rendered with Cycles, 500 passes.


After several tests with Makehuman I came to conclusion that sculpting is still the best way to do manga style face. MH is great tool, but tweaking facial features is not too flexible so every character tends to come out like the same. I have already ofc warped the mesh by hand and sculpt, but when creating something very unrealistic I think sculpting > retopo is still the way to go.

This is my first dyntopo test. Hair was done with thick hair particles as it is way faster to do that way (and awfully slow to render… xD).

just playing around.

Digital art I did with Blender and Photoshop.

I totally agree. And as I can see, your technique is quite good enough to it. Keep up the good work.

Thanks. Yeah, it’s “OK” but I still need a lot of practise - just to make process faster and also to understand better how the flow goes. :wink:

More digital art I did with Blender and MakeHuman. I am quite happy with the hair, quite afro-like imo. :slight_smile:

Something I did today just to study sci-fi corridors. Scene is named “Failed Escape.”

Nice! You got some good stuff in here.

Nice work… you really have your texturing down… wish I was in the same boat… my texturing is really lacking… guess I spend too much time Modeling and Rigging…

Anyway great sketch book… keep up the good work…

Thank you both - I try to push my limits step by step! :slight_smile: and yes norvman, the more you do something the better you get. :wink: I personally have not rigged almost anything, few simple models, and every time it’s like pain! That is the reason why I dont do it, atleast for fun:D

I personally have not rigged almost anything, few simple models, and every time it’s like pain! That is the reason why I dont do it, atleast for fun

I highly recomend Nathan Vegdahl’s… Humane Rigging DVD… if you can afford to purchase it from the Blender Store please do so… but Nathan has also released it to be youtube on several sites… so do a search there and and watch them and you will have a much firmer understanding of Rigging for character animation and Rigging in genderal… I found the series to be very Rigging Motivational… LOL! :wink:

:slight_smile: Well I am not that interested in rigging. I focus on modelling and texturing. Maybe some day later.

Here is something I did fast today… nothing special though.

And the same watch after some tweaking…

Well I am not that interested in rigging. I focus on modelling and texturing. Maybe some day later.

That’s all kinds of cool… keeping doing what inspires you…