Blenderwelder - Sketchbook

Been superbusy. But last weekend did this. No particular reason. Just for fun. Loads to improve yeah… Maybe later. :slight_smile:

Blender/Cycles. 2000 passes. Slight sharpen in PS and fine tuning of the curves.

Playing around bored. All Blender and Cycles.

Some do crossword puzzles, I relax by doing 3D modeling. :smiley: Today’s doodle with only #b3d and Cycles.

Few other Blender doodles I have done in the past…

New version… Had forgot to activate ornament layer. Also did the compositing now in Photoshop.

Cup of coffee. Inspired by Finnish coffee brand “Presidentti”.

Do more mecha robot stuff dude. Your work inspires me.

That interior is really good stuff, the city is great as well. Keep it up!

Thanks Hans Zimr and PhoenixSmith, I’ll try to do more stuff when ever I have time.
Maybe I even start new mecha some day as my skills are waaaay better than the day I started this sketchbook. :slight_smile:

I am not sure if I have mentioned, but I also do music for fun. Mostly electronic stuff…

This morning also used Blender to do “video” for my latest release:
Angmark - Gimme Some (130bpm Pingpongmix)

Last spring did also co-op with my friend, and to that song also used Blender:

I’ve always been interested in minihouses. This is my vision of modular & affordable small house.

top view:

Modern house archviz from a image I saw this morning at Twitter. Just for fun, so not that many passes with Cycles. Compositing with Photoshop.

Comped render:


Trees and foliage from Blendswap:

wow impressive work! Your lightings are stunning ! O.o

this grass on front make it unrealistic but rest part of this image is fine - looks like photo

Thx, yeah, it is very basic hair particle to render it fast- didn’t spend too much for that detail. If would be client work would ofc do better.

This time my own design with same assets.

Trees and foliage again from Blendswap:

Another own design:


Used again this tree:

Had some time to play around with MakeHuman… Came up whit this image. Compositing made in Photoshop.


Total time spent around 2-3 hours + rendering.

Modeling something simple, based on Ikea cupboard bought /w my wife few weeks ago. Also starring Aalto-vase by Iittala and Ikea lamp.

Very nice stuff, I especially like your latest architectural piece; the design looks very pleasant, calming and still cool. Looks like the perfect home/studio for an artist =]

I hope you don’t mind me asking noobish questions; I’m very new to blender and these types of 3d applications overall. How do you achieve the different skies in your outdoor scenes? Especially things like the cityscape in the sunset towards the top of the page? (some keywords or a link somewhere is sufficient if it’s complex to explain and would take too much of your time; anything is appreciated =])

I like your sophisticated choice of subject matter and presentation, keep it up!