Hi, I just wanted to share link to new plug - for basemesh creation - Blob Fusion.
It is mix of zspheres + metaballs. Hope some will find it usefull.
Hello, I am really interested in this tool! it looks really awesome! I think if there was a way to give a demo of these types of addons, (a version that is only valid for a few days or has limitations for example ) it would make a lot of people want to buy it!
Anyways, great work as always!
Hi everyone, I just pushed update 1.5 for Blob Fusion - with improved performance, and library of presets.
Its free update for all customers.
The latest Blob Fusion version (1.6.3) is great. I’ve added it to my SDF thread, and wrote my first impressions in this post.
Great work! I’ve always been a fan of using zspheres to blockout a character. Excited to try it out.
Blob Fusion tip by @JoseConseco:
You can add any Blender mesh modifier to a blob domain cage, deforming every blob that is inside: