BMax Tools or how I left 3ds Max :)

I guess I’m a bit late to the (2.8) party, anyway, here’s the update of BMax Tools for Blender 2.83.9 LTS. In addition to overall overhaul – I removed redundant tools such as layer manager or select-by-name dialogs, but also sidebar panel – I revamped the add-on on a few fronts:

  • Clone Options is now essentially an interactive 1D array tool
  • add-on now contains “tool tracker” which preserves tool selection across modes and workspaces
  • background selection evolved into non-destructive “preview setup” (see image below)
  • extras, which are now included right with the add-on as an optional install, add two significant improvements:
    1. synchronized X-Ray toggle, i.e. it sets both, wireframe and solid mode states, to the same value at once and toggles them in unison
    2. access to additional parameters for X-Ray – backwire opacity (note that X-Ray must be on and must be less than 1.0) and pose bone X-Ray

I also included some slightly modified toolbar icons because the stock ones didn’t look that great with light highlight colors (and the cursor icon was IMHO atrocious – but the beauty is obviously in the eye of the beholder :wink: ).

Now some eye candy.

Preview setup comes with add-on, extended X-Ray settings with extras.

And here are the really only slightly modified icons.

Well, enjoy … I will too :grin:

Download can be found at the top of the thread.