Bolzano-Dakar: update

For Vasarino:
really incredible! How small is the world! I’m happy you appreciate my “Piazza delle Erbe” 3d model. I thing we are the only two forum members that know this litte square"

For Toontje:
Danke fuer deine Hilfe. But if I put this wavy box behind the motorcicle do you think it will blur the foreground? I ask this because using Unified renderer with particles caused this effect: the particles “came” to foreground. My knowledges with Blender are really scarse.

These are updates of my wip. The second one it’s just started.

C&C are however well accepted.

very nice project piovasco - stylish, full of character and a storyline. Its begun to look like a real epic journey now. Look forward to seeing how Alan and Throttle get on over the coming months.

Thanks a lot GCat for your compliments. :smiley:

This is a finished image. I added a spotlight and used OSA 16 and AO 16.

Hope to post something new as soon as possible.