Bones not working with mesh

For some odd reason the right side of my mesh is not staying to the bones. I get this instead.

What am I doing wrong?

Most likely you didn’t apply the scales and rotations on your mesh and armature objects before parenting with automatic weights. Check the scale and rotation values of each in the N-panel in the 3d viewport (hit the N key if it’s not already open). If scales are something other than 1 and rotations are something other than 0, that’s the problem. Ctrl-A to apply these, then redo the parenting.

tried that. for some odd reason the X rotation goes back to 1. And the same issues arise

That x rotation is the problem. Get your armature into object mode, and apply rotation. Get your mesh into object mode, and do the same. Then parent them and apply weights. If that doesn’t work, post the blend file.

What do you mean the rotation “goes back to 1”? On which object, and did you apply it in object mode with Ctrl-A? You need to do this before parenting your rig, so clear out the parenting and get rid of the armature modifier on your mesh object first.

Moved from “Basics & Interface” to “Animation and Rigging”

This could also be a modifier order issue. That is, if you’re Armature modifier is before your Mirror modifier on your mesh, then the Armature will only faithfully deform half of your mesh. The other half will get you unexpected results, if any at all.

I applied the mirror modifier first to make the model.

Ok now I got it to work. Still have a bit of tweaking to do though. This is now my problem.

The eyes I figure are due to me not parenting them to the head. the ear however… no idea why

post your blend file for quicker/better answers

any particular way i should do that?

You can attach it to your post. Or you could upload it to and share a link to it there.

O thanks. I added that site to my favorites. In the file the mesh is not parented to the bones. I did that after saving in case I messed up somewhere.

It works fine now. Just delete the Armature modifier on the mesh object first, then put the armature in Pose Mode. Select the character mesh, shift-select any bone in the armature, then hit Ctrl-P and pick Automatic Weights. You’ll need to do some work to clean up the weights after that, like around the shoulders, but there’s no weird mirroring problem anymore. Before you do any of that though, you really need to name your bones properly. Having a whole armature with names like bone.0047 is just…awful to work with. Give them names like UpperArm_L and UpperArm_R, Head, Neck, etc. Then do your parenting.

somehow it’s still not working for me. I’ll post a video of what i’m doing exactly. maybe someone can point out whats wrong

You need to do these steps, exactly. Don’t skip any. In the file you posted to

  • Change the Pivot Center to Median Point (this is down in the 3d Viewport header bar, next to where you selected Textured View
  • Put your armature in Pose Mode
  • Select your character mesh (the object named Cube)
  • Go to it’s Modifier Panel. Delete the Armature Modifier by hitting the X icon in its upper right-hand corner
  • With the character still selected in Object Mode, shift-right click any bone in the Armature. You followed step 2 already, right?
  • Hit Ctrl-P and select “With Automatic Weights”

If you’re still getting the mirroring problem, you’re either doing something different than one of those steps, or you’re using an altered file from the one you posted.

I been doing that. But it works for everything but the head. The head is the only thing having issues.

Your mesh is pretty messy and you have a bunch of internal faces in the space between the ears. Those factors both screw up automatic weights.

I should just start again. Another learning experience.

Screw automatic weights man. Do the weight painting, that worked for one of my meshes. That being said I am completely new to blender and modeling all together but it worked for me earlier.

If you have a clean mesh with good topology and you don’t make mistakes like unapplied rotation and scaling, automatic weights work very well. I rarely have to do more than a little tweaking of the weight painting around maybe the armpit area and the chin on my models. It takes planning and deliberate careful work. Slapping things together and hoping it will work is rarely a good plan.

Also, why would you come on here to give advice if you admittedly don’t know what you’re talking about? Advice comes from experience. Wait until you have some.