Book cover

Hey guys,

recently I’ve been writing down some bedtime-stories I have been telling my kid and as a present for him, I’d like to have it properly printed and bound, which obviously requires a cover.

Here now is how the artwork turned out. I’m pretty happy with it, but still sure that there is room for improvement, which is why I ask for your kind suggestions! I’m particularly interested in suggestions regarding compositing, color and “special effects”

Some backstory: The book will be titled “Captain Cat and the Milky Way” and the scene depicted on the cover is a race between Captain Cat and her crew against the Tigerflyer (the most dashing pilot in the galaxy!) around a black hole.

Some technical details: All models, materials and textures are done by myself, with the following exceptions: The nebula in the background is AI generated and the black hole is done following the tutorial from Iridesium

So, what do you think? Thank you in advance :slight_smile:


I like it. :smiley:

The only suggestion I would offer, is to try blocking out where you want the Title and other text to go. Even if not the final font to be used, I think putting roughly the text there (size, rough shape, color) will help you sense the “balance” of the full composition. :slight_smile:

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I really like it, the cover and the idea!. I think your you could add some blur to the 2 ships to give sense of speed.

Thank you both for your kind advice!

Here is my second try with some (subtle) blur, which really does emphasize movement and the (German) title text added.

Also I pulled the brightness a little up, so that more details can be seen.

Do you think it’s better now?


I think your kid will be an happy kid :smiley:


It’s great, really cool idea!

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Alle Kinder sollen so guten Elternteil haben. :smile:

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