I just purchased this Crow model from BlenderMarket:
I need to make the animations longer, and copy/paste some of the keyframes so that they will cover a longer time span.
The issue that I’m having is that while I can see the keyframes for the main animation which corresponds to the body and head movements, none of these keyframes seem to correspond to the beak opening and closing. I’m trying to figure out where I could go about finding those? Is it customary to nest animations somewhere else in the layers? Could they be hidden somehow?
Unfortunately I’m not at liberty to share the model publicly, but what I’m hoping for is that some of you might be able to give me some ideas or hints as to where I could be looking for these particular animations which are apparently not visible alongside the other animations?
No, in the sense that I don’t need to combine different actions together from the 7 different Blender files.
I am just concerned about one of the files, which is the Tweet animation file.
I can clearly see the keyframes in the timeline, but when I copy/paste them at a different spot in the timeline so that I can make the sequence longer, all of the animation gets pasted in the new location EXCEPT for the mouth movement.
It’s so weird since one would assume that the keyframes would also include the beak animation, but for some reason they don’t, which is what I find puzzling.
Hi, maybe try leaving a message with the seller at Blendermarket? It’s kinda unfair you have paid for a product and you are having issues with what you need to animate it for
They should be able to tell you where the beak animation is nested in or why you are having that issue.
Well, the rig is already there. So with it selected, go into Pose Mode, pick a beak control and try moving/rotating it around.
If that works, press I to set a keyframe, move the playback head a few frames forward and move/rotate the beak again and press I.
You should then be able to scrub back and forth and see the animation. If not then likely just setting basic keyframes is an issue, not copy and paste.
I left the developer a message, waiting for a reply. It’s a bit frustrating since at the very least this particular product should have come with some sort of basic instructions, but instead there is no documentation whatsoever.
I can animate the beak, so I suppose that’s a solution…but I still would love to understand exactly what might be happening and how to locate the beak animation wherever it might be hiding.
True. You might have to check the nonlinear animation window, see if there are something there.
Also press select all in Pose mode, it will select all the bones and controls and then copy and paste the keyframes you need in pose mode, instead of in object mode?
Well that’s a good thing then. Outside of that, without really being able to look at the file, it’s a massive amount of guess work and back and forth to try and figure out why the cut and paste doesn’t work.
Pls I hope you are using a duplicate of the original file, so you don’t break anything or accidentally overwrite
Don’t worry about the nonlinear window, just select all the bones in pose mode, I think it would include the tweet animation and then copy the keyframes and paste them the way you did before and see what happens.
If that doesn’t work, press this button for the tweet in the nonlinear animation window:
Check my post above again, I added a new suggestion
You can also do this for the whole bird animation, so you can just repeat the animation so it last longer.