Brass Goblets

Same camera angle as the preceding render, but with -1 exposure, additional color grading, and extra adjustments to the glare effects. Visually and tonally, I think I prefer this one.

Old render, from when I first downloaded the goblets. I should’ve added some scattered nails to better sell the story. Also shouldn’t have put all those extra lights in the box…

This one just doesn’t make sense. The hell is this goblet doing here? More importantly, where is “here”?

The colors work, but the preponderance of empty space doesn’t

I’ve had these Brass Goblets ever since they were published on Poly Haven (download them for free here: But for some reason, I was never able to feature them in renders of satisfactory quality…until 7 months ago.

Special thank you to @Tina, who made these goblets and was nice enough to share them with the rest of the 3D community.


The metal texturing is great. really like the look of the goblets. And the variance of detail. Further, the top photo implies a lot. Reminiscent of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

The Goblet provokes thought something important happened or will happen. Goblets aren’t used for tailgate parties.

I really like the look of the cups in the top photo. But, I don['t think that DVD movie cases (?) on the table behind contrast the goblets properly. Something more “historic” maybe, like a map or black powder pistol, a cutlass on a table, a sextant and compass possibly.

Or if the cups are related to some “archeological dig” then maybe old spoons, ceramic plates or urn, like they were. also elements from the same dig …


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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks, Bart! Happy weekend. :grin:

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