Bugatti veyron WIP

Oh, so it’s purely for esthetic reasons, not really practical; it just looks cooler. No problem with that.
Never heard of it. Is it supposed to be part of the subS modifier?

T - panel, down, as soon as you hit Remove Doubles it appears.

Nice cars you’re producing here.

@marius, i suppose it has benefits to your eyes too, looking at a small screen can make you have to ficus hard, so if its got more pixels maybe its less of a strain to distinguish items?
and no its more like the merge tool, if you have 2 verts that overlap then you can cut down the vert count by taking away the double with alt-W :slight_smile:

@eppo, thank you, i needed that lol :slight_smile:
and thank you very much :smiley:

well not much has happened since the grills are taking a long time to model :S
but some nice clay renders here.

well it took a while but i got the front grill finished, im curently working on the engine :S
why design a car with an engine on show, it makes it a tricky job lol.


You could try emailing em to let em know it makes modelling their car very difficult /nod


Looking very good.

I plan on modelling the veyron for a composition idea I had, but I want to practice on another car first; I’ll go a little upmarket from my last car, the old mini; maybe a BMW.

haha, yes ill have to do that :wink: im going right to the top, the CEO of VolksWagon and give him a piece of my mind… although not too much of it… i havnt got alot to spare ;D

thank you :slight_smile:

I though this would be an easy car to model but its turning out to be a right pain in the arse lol, cool what kinda beamer? an M3?

You just ruined all by adding this central grill ;)… Mirrored?
What about some fiddling with lattice and making it out of one cast?

Always wanted to model some kind of engine but polycounts just cool me down… How much do you have on this right now?

Not bad, but you got several topology issues, post the latest wire-frame, and ill do some paint-overs.
And yeah fix the grill…

Heh! I can’t think of a reason why it wont work… 'Can think of a few reasons though. :slight_smile:

5 series; depends on what I can find reference-wise, but only got M5 atm, so likely that.

@eppo, damn you and your eagle eyes :wink: cheers, ill get that fixed today :slight_smile: its 110,000 with the grills, if i remove the grills its only 30,000 LOL.

@DDD, the topo hasnt actually changed since the last wires, the roof has been added, but that has great quad topology so overall im happy, but i’ll post some wires later then :slight_smile:

@writers block, damn i guess that idea is down the drain then :wink: oh nice, that’ll be a fun car to modell hehe :stuck_out_tongue:

i have redone the middle grill, used 2 curve modifiers so make is perfectly smooth unlike last time where it had line down the middle :slight_smile:

and heres the wires


LoL, you’re rendering so hi rez that that one just popped out on me as soon as i clicked on image :). Now it’s just gr8! Run over your wires and now i’m really curious what DDD might have found… For me, i would have put just one more loop between roof air intake dent and doors.

haha, i do like my high res :wink: when it comes time to texture though i reduce the res until the final renders where i will really boost the resolution ;D
im interested too at what he has found, as far as i can tell ive got the topo pretty much spot on :S
i cant see where you mean, would you mind drawing a line over so i know where you mean?

im about to each some lunch so couldnt be bothered changing all the materials to non wireframe so here a screenshot of it in edit mode… seeya after the break, dont change channel people :wink:

imho that would hold dent. Also there’s bent line across the roof. Is this intentional?

Million quid for a car and it’s already bloody well dented :stuck_out_tongue:

@eppo, bloody hell you have good eyes lol, no that wasnt intentional, i’ll see what i can do :slight_smile: thanks for pointing it out :slight_smile:

@Writer’s Block, haha, and its full of bloody holes :wink:

@eppo, well ive fixed the left most dent, and the dent in the roof indent i have fixed as much as im willing to, i think if i move around the verts anymore then it will start looking weird, as for now i’ll see how well textureing can cover it up :wink:

Some 30 yrs staring at different monis, CGA included, got me at +1.5 optics, sooo… :slight_smile:

Not pretending to be any kind of expert in topology and not saying that yours is any bad, i came up wit this
