Bugatti veyron WIP

grill can be a pain in the neck and if done with real mesh poly count can be very high !

or you could simply UV map it

i did one for a truck and poly was around 30000
it renders nicely but slowly

i cannot figure out what the shape is for the grill elements here but you can take care of this detail and show us!

happy 2.6

@eppo, thanks for the paintover, i’ll see what i can do without changing too much of the mesh, hopefully just some well placed loop cuts will be enough (fingers crossed)

@RickyBlender, i usually do UV mapping for details like that, but i decided that this is going to be a top quality model (at least the best ive done) so i decided to model it, the shape of the grill elements are hexagons elongated on the X-Axis of you get what i mean

there was a tut on making microphone grill

did you see it
this was using array and a curve modifier

might give you some ideas !

happy 2.6

I saw that one :wink: your right, gave me some ideas lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Not saying that you should redo anything, just asking if that looks any better and if it might be one DDD mentioned.

Concerning grills and polycounts - saw this -
nice one 2 and less poly imho.

well since im modelling this all by hand (not cheating with uv textures) i have modelled the tyres following andrew prices wheel tutorial :slight_smile:

there is a script for tyres now !

happy 2.6

seriously?? have you got a link mate? that took me about 2 hours to do >_<

go to the forum on scripts it’s listed for tyres !
not certain if it works very well but let us know if you test it !

should do it in a few minutes only but i think it was a bit tricky but work well
so need to read the thread on it first i guess


I’ll have a look, and might use it for my next car then :stuck_out_tongue: i might just append these tyres though since ive spent so long making them lol :wink:

Modifiers and Scripts are great, but sometimes I feel like I’m cheating if I do that.

Having said that, I’m going to stop using blender and write my own 3d app in assembler…

I’ll get back to you in about twenty years to let you know how I’m doing. :smiley:

Ok, maybe not.

@Bizla Tyres looking good. Bit glossy and too much specular; try mising in the velvet. I know I used that material on something - forget what - and it looked very decent.

the idea of scripts is to save time to model things that come back often with some parameters to be changed

using UV mapping is cheating but not using a script cause it makes a real 3D model !

happy cycles

Well a number of area have been fixed, but i spotted a few more. It was a bad wire render though (edjes bleeding through) so i couldn’t see exactly how your topology was is some places. Remember you can just take a screenshot in edit-mode.


@writers Block, haha, yeah that sounds slow :wink: BUT, blender is open source, which means you could modify it to better suit your needs :smiley: and yeah i still need to play with the materials, but i’ll do texture the whole car then ill go back and tweak the materials whick look out of place :slight_smile:

@rickyBlender, i agree completely, its just ashame there isnt a site which goes into heavy detail with pictures and comments all for blender scripts, cos that would be awesome :slight_smile: hhhmmm, i know how to build websites… maybe one day i’ll do that :slight_smile:

@DDD, cheers for the paintovers, ive had a look and fixed what i can (of the rear image, now gunna do the front fixes)

and heres some more screenshots.

More paint-overs for you…


thanks :slight_smile: back to fixing :wink:

right ive changed all but the ones arround the rear lights, i done all the cuts but it messed the shape up and they looked horrid lol

Tires look nice. All that GoodYear stuff on sides - textured? Bumped?
So your’e gonna put textures all over the car? What kind of? I somehow assumed that if there is no all that automotive parts advert sticker bunch, one goes some shader only, apart from very scratchy, dirty stuff which is not the case with Veirons usually?
Huh, that’s a lot of question marks here, better ignore me…

And i disagree with RickyBlender on that UVing is cheating. That’s one of the most time consuming parts here. i used to manually design pcbs, some pretty complicated ones. A lot of wasted paper usually. Placing, stretching and arranging uvs remainds me that every time.

thanks, yeah there textured and bumpmapped (was a pig to get the bump mapping to work properly)
i meant materials not textures (always getting those 2 mixed up lol) playing with mats atm.
i dont know about UV, sometimes its a bit of a cheat, but sometimes it can also make a model much nicer looking, i think it depends on how its used and how much it is used in a model.

no AA yet, just a test render