Here is my implementation of a kind of Ghost rider skull. This is not the finished render (60% of the resolution at 256 samples). I feel that it needs some enhancements. Appreciate your opinions.
Maybe a higher res on the flames would allow the skull to be more visible. Seems too covered in flames and the skull itself is losing detail cause of it. Most of the Ghost Rider flaming skull images have the flames emitting toward the top and high points of the skull that protrude. Here is a quick reference of what I mean.
As you can see most of the skull detail is still visible despite all the flames. Awesome job though. Will look forward to seeing the finished piece.
I thought I saw a free skull in a post some where. very detailed. It looks like in the picture of ghost rider like the flame is mostly behind the skull to maintain the skull definition. Still looks cool!
Thank you very much. I will try this and share the finished render
Dunno if you’re talking about mine but it’s free and CC0 (don’t mind the free3D license)
You can download it here:
That said I would recommend @midoalageb to sculpt his own skull. Using a free model as the only object in an image is not going to teach you 3D modeling. Free models should mostly be used for scenes with many objects.
Looking at your skull, it seems you modeled it in edit mode. I really recommend to use the sculpt mode instead, as this kind of object is very organic and full of irregularities.
You are right, I did it in edit mode. To be honest I prefer edit mode because it keeps the mesh as low poly as possible and I can avoid having more than 4 verticies (or less) per poly. I was thinking of creating a sculpt to bake a normal map, but thought that it will not be very visible inside the fire. I will try sculpting it as well and see how it goes.
Sculpting also avoids ngons. In fact it only generates triangles.
On the low poly side, I know exactly what you mean, in fact it’s the reason why mine is still a WIP: I suspended the project because it became insanely laggy on my computer. But now I know I was doing it wrong.
I was using a too high dyntopo resolution and sculpted details that should’ve been painted on a displacement map.
You should sculpt in low res and increase the resolution as you need more detail but stop when that detail can be simple displacement. You know it can be displaced when the detail doesn’t need to be added in all 3D directions (displacement is perpendicular to the surface)