bush in 30 secs

I was not implying that no countries should have WMD. Greece is civilized, libya is not.

America is civilized, Iraq was not.

Britain is civilized, hitler was not.

The list goes on, most people know and understand the difference between nations of morals, and those who are not. Iran, N. Korea, Iraq are/were nations who have no morals, at least by government type and leaders.

I am, by no means declaring that all countries except the US shouldn’t have WMD (I only think these “good” countries should have the weapons as deterrents to rogue nations), I’m civilized nations should.

There was a time when a world of civilized people who believed freedom stood against evil men like hitler. (some were forced into it, like america, but that’s when we saw that evil men like hitler had to be stopped)

Now when WMDs are so easy to get, people actually excuse the actions of men like hitler and saddam.

Look at saddam’s track record on human rights, his attepted and succesful acquisition of WMD among other things, yet many still fail to convict him of any crime, instead you blame bush of being a “warmonger”, and “moran”, and having “gw syndrome”.

It’s sad to me how people can be so warped in their views, they become careless and calous to the things that take place in this world.

my words to you.

At least I’ve posted about 4 pages worth of info on my views.

Instead you tell me in 4 words and a dot, that I have “warped views”. And you wonder why I believe the way I do.

This is genius.

I give up, screw these asanine threads.


Name one president who was Atheistic/Agnostic. That was just plain ignorant to claim Democrats are a bunch of heathens. People didn’t hate Bush because he was Christian, did you miss the millions of people with their “God Bless America” bumper stickers? Dude, this country is primarily Christian, that is just stupid to say that. He made America’s Christian population believe that the bible was behind this war and it was God’s will to do it. Don’t believe me? Just say so, and I’ll find you a dozen quotes.

You claim that 99% of people who hate Bush have some sort of all enveloping reason like “He’s Republican” or “He’s Christian.” You, like every other Bush supporter, have your eyes closed to any sort of open minded thinking that involves logic.

People are more upset about the war in Iraq because he gave his State of the Union address with the reasons for invading which were almost entirely fabricated. People were upset because he made 9/11 connections that were made up, Bin Laden publically declared Saddam an enemy!! I doubt you watched the commercials at bushin30seconds.com, because if you had, you’d also hear it pointed out that while he was stripping our right to privacy away with the “Patriot” act anyone who objected was being labelled as unpatriotic.

Bush started a plan that was supposed to help schoolchildren, then he diverted most of the money to war. States like the one I live in who had already troubled education systems are now bordering on total collapse with the lack of funding! My old HS has 35% of the yearly funds available to it compared to 5 years ago.

His tax cut gave you less than $1k and gave huge corporations millions!

If you wish to close your eyes, place your fingers firmly in your ears, and scream “You’re an anarchist! I’m not listening!” repeatedly while people try to tell you how Bush has been raping our country for the past three years, please do me a favor and do the same on voting day, safely locked in a closet so Dr. Dean may take his place in the Oval Office. Watch the videos at bushin30seconds.com and learn how ignorant you are. Ignore that the publicly acknowledged retard Michael Moore is a “celebrity panelist” and hear something factual for once.

Ditto, you don’t understand the situration, it’s not the moral or so called lie of civialize, it’s the threat and corruption that could happen in the future. This is like John Ashcroft when he says “laws shouldn’t be enforce, just be on the books” It’s ignorant to not see how someone after or given the threat will use such justfication, you forget, Britian went to war with china to sell drugs, that’s how Hong Kong was created you know ? Every moral and civialize nation pass, don’t be fooled on thinking it’s forever. And by what standerds do you consider civialize and moral ? Because I don’t see it very civialize or moral in my standerds. I do believe you support the lessor of two evils, John Macain would of made a better president.

I really dought that these federal plans ever help anyone, it’s all just more pork to fool the majority and elect a worst spin doctor into office. So Saddam was a bad man by out morals, but perhaps he was a saint to someone with a different set morals, ever thought that ? But hey, look at all the loss JOBS, HOSPITALS, SCHOOLS, DRUG CARE, ELECTRICITY that Saddam had created, or wait that’s just another excuse use by government %|

And what about the leader of moral authority in the Catholic church ? I’m sure people just say the same, what person with such moral leadership and civialize nature will ever molest a boy and then use the church money to shut them up ?

Ignorant? I know of things that the average person can neither comprehend nor see the value of that knowledge. I won’t be so arrogant as to say that this knowledge is mine exclusively, as it is accessible to all people, but most people detest such knowledge to the extent of making up their own truth to circumvent it.

I may have phrased a few things incorrectly. I should have said evangelical Christian (if even in name only). I have noticed that when an evangelical Christian gets into office that is one of the main arguments the Democratic party uses against them. I even heard a few outcries from the Democrats when Clinton started making it a point to be seen attending church services.

Permit me to go off on a tangent for a moment. I said in name only because I, like so many other people, believe that Bush is putting on a show to gain support among Christians. However, I will not deny that he has a strong spiritual life.

I do not support everything that Bush does. I do not support any of our presidents. I am not an anarchist, just a semi-interested observer. I have reason to believe that Bush is one of the leaders spoken of in the book of Revelation. The Bible may not be behind the war in Iraq, or even his presidency, but it is impossible to deny that the events tied to his presidency, along with certain aspects of Blair’s leadership and certain relatively recent events (study how the scene at the World Trade Center appeared, especially from the water, and then read the passage describing the throwing down of the harlot of Babylon) have been prophesied in Scripture (not just Revelation, but even the Old Testament end time prophecies).

Our ancestors could have prevented Bush from getting into office hundreds of years ago. I know what’s going to happen with Bush in office, and quite frankly I did not want to see it come this soon. However, it is too late to prevent it. I do not support Bush, nor do I oppose him. I just say step back and let him do his part so we can move on to the next part of the tribulation.

Furthermore, as I have been incorrect in my phrasing, so were you incorrect in your reading, unless you willingly omitted “…I’ve heard from” in the hopes that by the time people got to your post they will have forgotten that portion and remember what I said as “99% of people who hate Bush.” Be careful with the omissions, as it is equal to deceit, which will quickly lose you credibility in debates.

Finally, on the issue of tax cuts, large corporations pay millions in taxes. If they get a tax break then they get millions taken off, but they’re still paying millions in taxes. The average person pays less than $1,000 in taxes. Therefore, a tax cut for someone in the largest tax bracket would be less than $1,000. Even if a particular tax bracket pays over $1,000 they still get a significant cut. It’s just undermined by the fact that corporations save millions while the average person saves less than $1,000.

It’s similar to one person buying a $1,200 computer and getting a $60 rebate and another one buying a $2,000 computer and getting a $100 rebate. It may seem that the second guy made out better, but they both got back 5% of what they paid. If both would have paid $2,000 then they both would have recieved $100.

I just viewed the site again (couldn’t remember if I viewed it last night, as I had too many things going on then). I didn’t view the entries, but I see it’s basicallly a campaign commercial contest. Such things will not show me how “ignorant” I am. At most it will just be a showcase of the negative aspects of his presidency, which there are negative aspects of every presidency. If you want to show me how “ignorant” I am then show that there are no positive aspects.

And something I forgot to address, those “God bless America” bumper stickers mean nothing to most people. It has been turned into yet another battle cry, much like Battle Hymn of the Republic has been stripped of its religious origins. In fact, thanks to one of the verses of the Star Spangeled Banner it’s technically a hymn, which is why you only hear the first verse while most other nations routinely sing all verses of their anthem. I have known many a person with a God bless America bumper sticker who not only doesn’t believe in God, but seriously think that a person either hasn’t grown up or suffers from mental retardation if they truly believe in God.

So if you’re not an Anarchist then you must be a Authoritarian, just kidding. But really, why is it that you believe your morals to be the exact same as someone else, every person have there own morals and not every person have something incomman, it isn’t by morals or being civialize that should be voted on, it’s virtue, it’s better off to let everyone keep there own moral views then it is to force it oppond others. Not everyone want SSI, Drug Care and laws against Satan from some book that isn’t creditable to have link to God himself. That in itself is interpreted by other beliefs. The term God, wasn’t really writen into the Constitution, it was our creators, which means a being that can’t be interpreted. Thomas Jefferson were strongly against the term God and for good reasion, look how old Europe and other countrys use religion to take away the freedom of many.

What does make Greece more civilized than Libya???

Please forgive me, I do not wish to force you to respond or continue this discussion, if you do not want to… If that’s the case, I’ll respect your decision/shut my big fat mouth up and you can safely ignore the above question…

dwmitch, please don’t get confused… Nobody is accusing Bush for being a “good Christian”… As far as I’m concerned he can be whatever he likes… Bush is being accused for using his “theocratic principles” as an excuse to remove basic civil rights and to justify war against other nations… There is a huge difference between those two…

If this accusation is false, hey no problem!!!:slight_smile: But if that is true well, then things change a “bit”, don’t you agree??? :-?

I just say step back and let him do his part so we can move on to the next part of the tribulation.

If the things that Bush is being accused for, are true, then I don’t think that we should just step back and let him do his part…

One thing I really found funny the other day: Bush was talking in an interview about his religious belief and he said that his favorite philosopher of all times was Jesus. How could I have been so wrong thinking that Jesus’s philosophy was about forgivness and not killing mass amount of people.


This pretty much sums it up:


By the way, great ads there!

Hmm…Seems some of you are writing a thesis here.

Im not going to write 50 paragraphs on why I hate Bush, instead Im going to contribute what worries me most about him.

You have no doubt heard the expression that eyes are a window on the Soul? Well, look at numerous pictures of George bush and try and look at what is behind those beady little rat eyes. What I see scares me to death.

And who the hell can like a man who is so incredibly stupid as to say:

“The problem with the french is that they have no word for entrepreneur.”

A man like that should be flipping burgers, not running a country.

Yeah, that was pretty hilarious.

I guess he has a personnal problem vis-à-vis the french.


You’ve got some good point, but that quote was from Don Quayle.
Many of his quotes have recently been changed to Bush quotes so Bush rs can dih out petty insults.

Yeah, that was pretty hilarious.

I guess he has a personnal problem vis-à-vis the french.


The quote is indeed hilarious.

As for the problems with the frenchs, it’s not new and we had them each time a republican was on the hot seat at the white house since post WWII. I would say that’s because, we french people, are arrogant and stubborn, and dont take it easy when someone step on our (blue suede) shoes, even if he has a bigger stick. And we express it loudly. Most conservative americans are not used to that, as they have indeed the biggest stick.

I don’t like our president (he’s a liar as good as Bush), but i respect a lot that he had the guts to express an opinion that was shared by more than 80% of the frenchs, according to the polls. Other europeans leaders stayed mouth shutted when their people had the same views as ours, by fear of the repreasals.

It has alway been easier with democrats as there is among them more people interested with world outside US of A, and so they can understand other points of view.

One thing that make it also difficult is that we are a nation where religion is a private matter and the constitution make sure it cannot interfere. Here, a President can go to a religious office (they usually do), but would he use a religion as support for his ideas in a political context, he would be immediatly considered unworthy by everyone including its own party.
Even the religious nuts take care to express their ideas without explicitly saying “it’s in the bible so it’s good”.

You’ve got some good point, but that quote was from Don Quayle.
Many of his quotes have recently been changed to Bush quotes so Bush rs can dih out petty insults.[/quote]

Hmm…I just did a google search on this, there is no mention of Dan Quayle.

It’s too late to change anything. I’m probably going to be labelled as one living in a “fantasy world,” but this now goes beyond politics. The children of God had a chance to stop all of this, as did the rest of the world. Both sides failed. The children of God failed to get the message out in time and the rest of the world that did hear ignored it.

I’m afraid that the only way Bush’s part in this can end is with the establishment of the thousand year kingdom. Bush, if I am correct about him being a head of the beast, and the force behind him will be bound for 1,000 years. Until then the only thing we can do is sit back and let the prophecy take its course.

A bastardization of Scripture, which is why I believe Bush to be a head of the beast, or maybe even another beast altogether. There will be a leader who will decieve the people into beleiving that he is a disciple of Christ, while in fact he is being manipulated by the spirits of the anti-christ (seperate from the Anti-Christ who will directly manipulate the world, but led by the Anti-Christ).

I hate to say it, but even if we get Bush out the next president will be worse, whether s/he’s (it could happen) Democrat, Republican, evangelical Christian (part of the deception) or evangelical athiest.

In fact, I’m willing to wager that either by the end of the current admistration or within the first term of the next administration the debit chips that are implanted under the skin of the hand will be required if we even want to buy groceries.

dwmitch: I would be very much willing to share your point of view, but unfortunately for me, that was in another lifetime… I don’t think that Bush is the beast…

But in any case you will not get labeled by me as a person that lives in a “fantasy world”… And whoever does, he will receive my eternal hate…

Anyway, even if you are right, when the time comes, God (if he really exists and if he is like they describe him in the Bible…) won’t look at that debit chip implant hidden in the soft tissue under your skin… He will look deeper, directly into your heart, which I know it is good…

So have no fear, about your spiritual life…

In the mean time, until that moment comes, one must look after, for his physical one…

And Bush could be possibly, seriously threatening it… :wink:

And turning the other cheek, I was glad that were countrys with in the UN that had guts not giving in to these special interest leaders and I’m glad that thy Franch and Germany didn’t felt obligated despite the good that the two nation had did for them in the pass. Even if the two nation had a contract for oil and weapons, it’s there right, not the United Nation as a whole.