This is my entrie for the contest:
This is a study for the compositing.
Sweet, reminds me of a robotic Samurai Jack…
Very nice idea. Looks like you’re starting late too!
I hope to finish the modelling in time.
The texture and material will take most time, and are very difficult for me :spin:
Well, I’ll say one thing: you’re modeling is stinkin’ awesome!
Hey, this looks great. Nice, clean modeling. I can’t wait to see how this develops.
and question:
Why the texture paint mode are so slowy with texture up to 1024 px?
I have a AMD 3200, geforce 6800GT and 1 gb of RAM, I use XP 32, because on Ubuntu 64 my tablet don’t work.
I Have resolved the texture problem, if I have a texture 2000x2000 px, Blender’s Brush go at low speed, but if I have a texture 2048x2048px Blender’s Brush go at normal speed.
Naow I have a new problem, why Blender calculate the Layer of the render Layer that I have hide? This cause a crash, how are the setting and the workflow for doing a complicate compositing rendering?
This is the result of many crash:
Very nice looking so far, keep it up!
I’m certainly impressed! The test render looks very massive and imposing. HOWEVER I think the robot guy’s pose looks a little odd. It’s like I’m not sure what emotion he’s conveying judging from his body language.