Cabin in the Woods

Yup! This is brilliant! I like the second one best. can you post a highres of it?

(oops!) sorry I see that those are highres. The one you said you were finished on was my favorite.

Awesome work!

Great work! The trees leafs looks so real and the focusing is as per the need!

This has to be one of my favorite renders and I just caught your latest version.
Impressive as can be. Looks much better now that it has more brown and less green.

Very nice! I would have used a bit more random warping to the roof, but otherwise this is straight out of a fairy tale 3D Gravity Falls

This surely is not a render but a photograph. It’s that good, highly detailed even I’m fooled in believing it’s a photograph. I can just see it in a frame on the wall in a cottage. Well done.

I like the image you made more than the original! Great work, keep it up! :slight_smile:

Very evocative image :yes: I have a lot of learning to do before attempting something like this.

I love the lighting and a little bit more contrast on the house will help, great work!

love it !

any chabce to get a tutorial on that ???, especially the lighting setup

please !

Wow, I definitely missed this one when it was originally posted. Jonathan, this really is beautiful and certainly gallery worthy.

Hey guys, thanks for all the encouragement! I re-rendered this image at a ridiculous size so that it could be in the Art of Blender book coming out soon from CG Cookie. While I can’t upload a file that size to the internet for free, I do have a new hi-res for you. I completely redid the post processing using 16bit color instead of 8bit which looks a lot better. I also think this looks much more clean, crisp, and fresh. I updated the first post, but you can also see it here.

You know Johnathan, I didn’t take as much notice of your creek when I first saw this, but looking at it again, I’m really impressed with “realistic dirtyness” of it. I say that because so many water scenes it seems the water is way too clear and clean. The creek looks very photorealistic.

Well done dude, I reckon this is actually pretty close to photo realistic. Only criticism I’d have is that the riverbed looks slightly 2D, but that’s just me :slight_smile:

This looks amazing, great job!

I like the second rendering much better. Less “noisy”, better contrast and looks more realistic. It’s just a better composition overall. Much easier to focus on the house and other details.

Wow! If your goal was photo realism then you’ve certainly achieved that.

Amazing job Jonathan!

The updated image is amazing… I mean they’re all amazing, but definitely your last update is pretty damn good!

Looks excellent.
However the first thing I noticed is that the water level is very close to the level of the house foundation. The terrain looks as though the next big rain would bring the water up to the house and cause damage - so I would never build a house there.

But it looks great!

This scene should be in a game)Lord of the rings or elsewhere)
Nice work