Cable getting stuck

I’ve been trying to create an animation in which a high-poly object is lowered from a building using a pulley. I’m still a beginner when it comes to physical simulations. The pulley cable is made of metal, but I assumed it starts from a point (I’ll animate the texture), and I’ve applied a cloth simulation, making it quite taut to give it an aluminum-like appearance. My goal is to simulate the cable momentarily getting stuck, as if the object starts swaying from side to side for a moment before stabilizing. How do you suggest I proceed? Thanks!

Wiggle Addon is effective to express shaking. (Free Addon)

Wiggle 2 - Coding / Released Scripts and Themes - Blender Artists Community

do you mean that if i move the object that the cable bring it will shake or should i make something else?
I haven’t understood your answer!

Correction. I didn’t get it right :sweat_smile: :smiling_face_with_tear:
You can use the softbody or you can use a Wiggle Addon.
It looks like a cloth simulation, but it’s different.